A sip of love

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It's no longer a new that Cai Xukun was sitting alone at a table with a coffee from the machine. Lately he was drinking a lot of it, there wasn't a single day that he asked for one. It's almost an obsession.

He was spinning it around with the straw to cool it down, while checking his cell phone in a secluded corner. Where the wall was the only one that could see who he was talking to. Luckly for him, the store is not crowded in the mornings, and the cashiers respect his space, as do as his fans. Although some of them enter the store just to take a picture and greet him.

Kun doesn't mind if his cell phone is looked at. He only reads the news, comments from his fans, and chats with his parents and friends. But if there is a minimum thing that includes his girlfriend. He is totally cautious.

Liu Yuxin appeared first in the chat list he had yesterday. They haven't seen each other for more than three months already. The pile of work they have in different places has kept them busy day and night. No matter how much he want to see her. Kun knows Yuxin, and if he writes to her late, she won't get enough sleep later. He doesn't want to disturb her either.

"Kun, we have to go"

His bodyguard snapped him out of his thoughts and he finished his coffee in three gulps after sending a message to Yuxin.


The director called a halt to today's recording. He thanked the collaborators and invited all the guests to eat in the new restaurant.

"I will pay for today, eat" he said pointing to the food, while drinking from his glass of water. They all cheered their director's kindness and began to put the food on their plates.

"Kun, do you know how to cook?" asked Yinfei who was sitting next to him.

"I know how to cook potatoes"

"It's the only thing he cooks, in the lunch time I always see him eat that" the director said and began to laugh "He even smiles, you know?"

"I can teach you how to prepare other foods," Yinfei offered, moving her hair to the side of her ear.

The director stopped chewing and Kun just couldn't look at her. It's going to happen again. When girls were interested in him they always did that. Move their long hair, blink several times and not stop smiling at him. As much as it was, they were always looking for any topic just to start a conversation.

Thinking about Yuxin, Kun smiled.

She didn't do any of that and she already had him under a spell. He was the one looking for a way just to talk to her.

Kun loves to see her smiling eyes and hear her gentle voice. It fills him up in a way he can't explain.

I miss her so much.

"I have to go" He got up and gathered his things. He apologized to the others and made his way to the exit. If he's in a bad mood, he can't fake it. And he doesn't want to ruin everyone's dinner.

"Kun! Eh... Could you take me home?" Yinfei came to his side in a rush "The boys are staying late and I have a job very early tomorrow."

As Kun can't deny a lady. He asked his driver to take her home first.

"They will take you, just give them the address"

Yinfei pursed her lips, dissatisfied. It wasn't what she expected.

"How about you?"

"I can wait for them to come back"

"Let's go together. It doesn't bother me"

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