14| Light and Shadow

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Yuxin couldn't resist anymore. She saw her life go by in that moment. Her parents, Xie Na, her new friends and Kun.

The person that she loved the most and she would never see again. That made her heart sink. She gathered the last minutes to remember all the most precious moments for her.

Her parents and her at a table in a happy mood, Xie Na visiting them at night, ChengCheng in a sword battle, Yuyan with her advice and her disciplines. And Kun, she's going to miss him so much. He is the person with whom she spent the most time, he treated her well and being together time flew by. Being with him, she felt safe. Felt like home.

Yuxin looked at him one last time. He was still trying to free himself from Mr. Long. He was even desperate to save her.

"Get out of my way!" he dodged but Mr. Long came between him and Yuxin again.

The prince wasn't fighting well, his eyes were crystallized and he could only scream the name of the woman he loves the most.

Yuxin was losing more and more strength that she did the only thing she could. She just closed her eyes and waited.

But then, she felt no more force on her, and only heard something break.

"Don't hit me with a chair again"


Her friend crouched down beside her and hugged her tightly.

"Yuxin, I'm so sorry. I'm late"

"Are you fine?"

Yuyan showed a bandage that she had on her head and then pointed to Zuyi who was unconscious on the floor.

"She hit me with a chair and I hit her back, but I'm fine now"

Yuxin looked around for Kun. He and Mr. Long kept fighting. But now that Kun had no more to worry about Yuxin, he returned to attack him.

Yuyan and Yuxin helped ChengCheng and then tied Zuyi hands and feet.

"I'm here to get revenge on your father!" shouted Mr. Long now that he lost to Kun and was on the ground.

"Don't talk nonsense"

"Why don't you ask him yourself then? Ask him about Ah Yang"

"He doesn't have to ask me anything"

The king arrived at the scene, and left his coat to Xie Na.


"I arrived as fast as I could, Xie Na warned me" he said to his son and then approached Mr. Long, who was still on the floor, and wasn't happy at all to see him "I thought we had already arranged it, Wei Tong" said the king with a soft voice.

Mr Long clenched his jaw, and his eyes crystallized. Even his voice cracked.

"You killed him"

The king sighed and then gulped. Ever since he killed the son of his best friend, he has been regretting it all those years. They were happy, and he ruined their life.

"And I regret it. If I had seen him there it wouldn't have happened"

The place was silent and the fighting outside was also quiet. The prince stood next to Yuxin and hugged her tightly.

He still can't believe that his father, the same king who made the town a better place, was carrying a weight of guilt like that.

"Even if you ask me for forgiveness and send me everything you want, you can bring Ah Yang back to me" Mr. Long looked at Kun this time "I had to make you suffer the same as me."

They captured everyone involved in the attack and locked them up. The king was still sorry and guilty for what he had caused. He would visit almost every day to talk to Mr. Long, even if he didn't want to see him there. But the king persistently made things between the two of them gradually improve.

For the final day of the competition, it was unnecessary to carry out another round. The king and queen had already accepted Yuxin as their daughter-in-law.

So, the day of the coronation was excellent, all the kingdoms attended to celebrate. As soon as the new king and queen were announced, the two disappeared from the party to go to the rooftop.

Yuxin looked to the horizon without saying anything, but Kun already knew her very well that he could tell something was bothering her.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked after taking her hand to make her look at him.

"Do you think I will be a good queen?"

His lips stretched into a smile and he began to squeeze her cheek gently.

"Stop thinking about it. I'm sure you will be a good queen, friend, wife and mother"

"Mother? Are you already thinking about having a child?"

"We can have more than one"

Yuxin pushed him gently while still smiling, and Kun pulled her closer to him.

"You will do well, and you aren't alone. I will be right here with you. Always"

"Even in the shadows?"

They looked at each other and smiled before Kun answered her.

"Even when there is light and shadow"

Yuxin got closer to his body and hugged him tightly. She still couldn't believe that she would find love in the same place where she was desesperate to leave.


Thank you for read the story!

Have a nice day/night.

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