10| Light and Shadow

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"Why did you call me?" ChengCheng walked into his office and made himself comfortable in the chair across from his friend.

Kun doesn't usually call him when he has to do work, but if he did it must be something pretty important.

"What do you think would be the best for a date?"

ChengCheng jumped up from his chair and startled Kun. He didn't expect this.

"You call me for this? And why your ears are so red ?!" ChengCheng pointed out and Kun immediately covered them.

"Just answer me"

Since Yuxin told him what he made her feel, he couldn't sleep and every time he remembered it his heart leapt with happiness.

"I have never had a date, but if I were you, I would ask her out for lunch."

"Seem right"

ChengCheng glanced at him. His friend was thinking about what to wear and what they should eat.

"Are you two dating now?"

"Not yet, but she said that ..."

ChengCheng leaned forward when he couldn't hear the last sentence.

"Dude, I can't hear you".

"She said ... That I made her heart race"

Kun looked to the side and then covered his mouth with the back of his hand. His ears started to turn red again.

"This is you when you're shy?"

"Stop bothering me".

No matter how much Kun wanted to kiss her, he didn't want to scare her like yesterday. That's why he wants to start with a date first.

He went to her room, but no one was there. He searched the kitchen and the living room. And it wasn't just her that he couldn't find. Yuyan and Zuyi weren't there either.

That's when he hears a sound outside the castle. He runs to see what was happening, and he lets out an air of relief when he sees them.

"Prince Kun" Zuyi bows first, followed by Yuyan and Yuxin.

"This is...?"

"We found it interesting to learn archery, Prince Kun"

All three of them had a bow. Kun remembers that he always practiced this with ChengCheng, and even at the biggest events they would have a competition. He has been a bit surprised that Lady Fanzi didn't forbid them to use it, unless ...

"Kun, honey, what are you doing around here?"

"I didn't see them inside, so that's why I went out."

"Don't you mean you couldn't find her?" The queen raised her eyebrows to annoy him and then looked at Yuxin.

"Mom, shouldn't you be with dad?"

"Your father went to attend some business with the Liang, or you don't want me at home?"


"Ignore me, instead of arguing with me, why don't you teach them to use the bow?"

Kun took advantage of the situation and moved closer to Yuxin, much more than he should. He seemed to be hugging her from behind.

Yuxin held her breath as Kun came over to speak into her ear.

"I was thinking of inviting you for lunch, but teaching you to use a bow is much better" Kun placed his hand in her, hinting that being this close is better.

Yuxin couldn't be redder. She even started to shrink, but with Kun behind her it was difficult.


"When will you tell him the truth?"

It has taken a few more days for Yuxin to realize that she was in love with Kun, but she hasn't given him an answer since his confession.

Yuxin played with her fingers before answering Yuyan.

"I don't know if I going to be a good queen".

It had already been days, and the last round was close. Which meant that the competition would end and one of them would be the new queen.

The thing is, everyone knew who was going to win, and making the round was insignificant, but they should follow the rules anyway.

Kun and Yuxin spent so much time together every day. Some days they talked in the office and others they went to the roof. They even went to visit Yuxin's parents. Anyone who saw them together let them believe that true love does exist.

But lately, being a queen was worrying Yuxin. She had no idea that her life would turn this way.

"How do you know you won't be?"

"I'm not good at making decisions, Yuyan. And being a queen is a big position."

Yuyan squeezed her hand to make Yuxin look at her.

"You know Kun wouldn't leave you alone. Besides, I'm sure you two will support each other. So don't be afraid, and confess your feelings to him."


"He is in the office with his papers. But if you go in, the papers are gone"

"I'll go tell him. Thank you" Yuxin hugged her before going downstairs. She takes a deep breath, then knocking on his door and entering.

As Yuyan had predicted. He was with his papers, and Yuxin liked it a lot when he used glasses. It made him look just as handsome as always.

"Yuxin, I was about to go to see you" he said while putting off his glasses.

She walked over and sat in the chair across from him. But when she did it, her head went blank. She didn't know how to tell him.

"Did something happen?" Kun got up to look at her with concern and check if she was okay.

She was overwhelmed by what she was feeling for him. Yuxin didn't think that she would love someone so much.

"Yuxin, you're scaring me. Tell me what's wrong. Is there anything I can do?"

She nodded and put both of her hands on his face.

"Kiss Me".

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