04| Not a cinderella story

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"You have the face of someone quite worried".

"Ziyi, I'm nervous" Kun has been pacing back and forth in his room and that is disturbing his friend.

"Don't worry. Your father will be proud of you. Besides, you've already been practicing the previous days."

"It's not the crowning of the party. It's about Yuxin."

"Are you worried that she won't come?"

"I'm worried she won't like me"

"You were seeing each other for at least two weeks. She taught you some dance steps, you talked for hours with her and she even cooked you some hamburgers that you have never tried before. Besides, you are one of the few people I know who does things with the purest intentions. Have a little courage. If you don't take risks, you don't win. "

"But Ziyi, I don't think two weeks is enough to ask her to be my girlfriend. "Everyone in the royalty knows that when he becomes king, there must be a queen, but Kun wanted to do things differently. He wanted things slowly and a girlfriend is already a start.

"When you love someone, time no longer exists. What counts are the hours you shared together" Ziyi said while squeezing his shoulder as a means of comfort. Kun sighed.

"Yes you're right".

"Go get dressed now, the party is going to start soon" Kun did what his friend said and went to the bathroom.

The guests were already staying at the castle. Some relatives and others from the town. Kun's parents didn't mind inviting people from the village, no matter what social class they were in.

Kun knows the history of the other royal families, and that his relationship doesn't go so well with their population. The Cai family is the most influenced among them, and Kun already wanted to make many changes that his father failed to achieve.

"The idea of ​​wearing these masks was yours, right?" Ziyi asked, while he was trying one on, "How will you know who Yuxin is?"

"Her mask is blue and her hair is blonde and hip-length."

"Do you know that there are many girls who could look like her?"

"Yes, but there is something that she has and the others don't."

The two left the room and the guests stay silent to watch him come down the stairs. That was one of the most uncomfortable moments for him.

"Prince Kun, thank you for the invitation." That was what he heard from everyone when he came to greet the guests. Ziyi didn't leave his side in any of those moments.
The king spoke a few words, everyone raised their wine glasses and cheers.

The coronation would take place at midnight, so they had the rest of the time to dance, talk and eat.

Kun was already looking everywhere, searching for the distinguished blue mask and her thin lips.

"Kun, there is your princess" Ziyi pointed to the place where her blonde hair could be distinguished. Kun didn't know how to react, perhaps because he expected to see her without a dress. She looked really gorgeous with one.

When their eyes met, she immediately started to run to the garden. Kun reacted quickly and followed her outside.

He saw her run into the bushes. The place wasn't as bright as the inside of the castle but he noticed when she stopped, Kun did the same.

"Yuxin, why were you running?" She didn't respond and didn't move. Kun took a few steps forward and when he could be close to her. A surprise invaded his face.

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