03| Reach the top

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The third round was about to begin. 

And they had already tied their hands and feet. For this game they only needed at least five members. They would play basketball.

"This game brings back memories" Zhu Zhen mentioned as he looked at the former members of The9 "It's a shame I couldn't even touch that rabbit during the whole game".

The groups were already formed. They placed the object in the middle and proced to made a countdown.

Kun saw that episode, and knows that within all of them, they will send Yuxin so he didn't hesitate and offered to play in this round. As he tought she is too fast.

She already had the ball in her hand while making small jumps like a rabbit. Zhangjing tried to remove it from her hands, making a very funny face when Xuer stepped in front of him to protect her friend. 

Kun moved  closer to the basket, while he waited for his girlfriend to approach him, as if she were the prey about to fall into a dangerous territory. But Kun wouldn't devour her here, maybe when they're alone in the apartment after finishing this.

Yuxin stopped. Passing the ball from one side to the other and when Kun made a few jumps to prevent her from scoring, she made a bold move. 

Yuxin just winked. And that left him puzzled because it was the first time she had done it to him and that smile on her face doesn't help either.

She did that in front of many people?

Kun turned sideways to check the cameras but when he turned again. Yuxin already made a score. She tricked me.

"Kun, what happened?" Justin walked over to ask him and then Chengcheng came up behind.

"What surprised you? and, man, your ears are red ".

Kun didn't answer because he doesn't know what to say and because the game continue. Now the one with the ball was Xiaotang and Zhengting was already surrounding her. As the game went on, it was difficult for Kun and Yuxin to act like they weren't dating and cared about each other. 

When Yuxin was cornered, Kun wanted to save her. And when he was being knocked to the ground, Yuxin wanted to ask him if he was okay. The torture didn't last that long for both of them when Zhu Zhen announced that the second round will start.

In the rest area the two sat next to each other, but with a fair distance. 

They didn't look at each other and they didn't put their hands together but being close was enough. 

The girls were already crushing and attacking, and being the first minute of the second round it was already intense that even some of the staff wondered if this was a girlgroup. In a few more minutes, the game was over and with it the program.

The9 began to say goodbye to them and for the next time they will win. Kun and Yuxin looked at each other for the last time, knowing that from now on they will have to tell their friends.

A short time later, Ninepercent were gathering their things in the locker room when Kun came in and took a breath before telling them that he had a girlfriend. The silence didn't last too long as he expected. 

"We already knew it, bro" Xiao Gui spoke.


"You was too obvious. We even can tell she's your favorite in YWY2" Ziyi walked over and put his arm around Kun shoulders.

"It's true, they also kept looking at each other today" Nongnong commented and Chencheng came beside him. 

"And you wanted to kill me just for touching her!". 

"But I never said who my girlfriend is".

The boys turned to look at each other and Zhangjing laughed after that statement.

"Isn't it obvious Kun?".

"Am I too much?"

"Well, you smile every time you see her" Yanjun says and Zhengting follows him.

"We can see how much you appreciate her just by looking your eyes." Justin nods in approvement and Kun is glad they weren't mad for not telling them sooner. 

"So, Kun?" Xiao Gui called him "That towel it wasn't for us, right?". 

"I told them that you stopped looking for towels when Yuxin had already been thrown into the pool," Chengcheng said with a sneer and Zhengting made a dramatic painful exit. 

Kun inmediately grabbed his arm while laughing. 

"I love you too, guys. But Yuxin is first". They started teasing and hitting him softly like old times. 

When they finished, they promised to meet one day to eat. Kun said goodbye to them and when he got into the car, Yuxin sent him a message. He text her back about being in the apartment within thirty minute. Now, their relationship is no longer a secret among their members.

Hi there! I hope you liked the story. At first I was planning to include nine games, but I thought it would be boring, 😅 so i reduced it.

See you in the next story! And have a nice day 💙


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