03| Touch my heart

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The day came.

Kun and Yuxin practiced one last time before the performance.

Yuyan and Xuer managed to put all they had into a song and dance performance. After all, they went to the same university as Kun too, and whatever the stage is they will definitely take the opportunity to show a good one.

Kun glanced at Yuxin, and noticed her tense shoulders. He could understand why she was nervous, it is her first time performing a sexy dance and she doesn't know how the audience will react, but he is confident that she will do it well. With Yuxin everything is a surprise.

Before it was their turn to perform, Kun reached for Yuxin's hand and gave her a comforting gesture with his thumb. Being the first time that he did that, his heart began to beat like a crazy drum and almost fell out of his chest when Yuxin didn't remove her hand from his and also began to comfort him in the same way.

They spent a few seconds doing that in silence and then the host called their names and Kun cleared his head to prevent what almost happened in the practice.

The crowd was silent when both stood in their places: Kun holding her waist and Yuxin watching him while her hand rested on his chest. When they practiced, the steps weren't that difficult and it wasn't that hard either. Most of the choreography was based on the two of them interacting and sharing looks like any couple would.

The music began, they moved slowly without taking their eyes off from one another, through those eyes only they existed. The others can only see how they danced intimately and turned up the heat on a cool day. Xuer was yelling every time they got close. Yuyan was blushing in disbelief of what her friend could do and Dasha was smiling the whole time like a proud mother.

Even the people who haven't studied music know that the main thing is to attract the attention of the public and make them feel everything you want to convey, but this, this is above their expectations. It's like each one is a bomb individually, but when they are together it's a massive explosion. They fit perfectly together.

The music stopped with their chest pressing together and the crowd clapping in the background. Kun smiled at her and leaned forward to take the last step of his plan. He whispered in her ear so she could only hear it:

"Be my lover"

Their gazes met, and Kun again wanted to know what she was thinking. He didn't know how to interpret her look. Is surprise? sadness? Disappointment? He doesn't know but whatever answer she's going to give him, Kun has already prepared himself.

He took her by the hand and led her off the stage to a further place away from the crowd.

When they reached the tip of the ship, a terrifying silence formed between them and only the sound of the waves and music in the distance could be heard.

If Yuxin was going to reject him, he would understand. The bad thing is that his wound was going to take time to heal, and he doesn't think it would either. He won't meet another girl like her.

"You don't have to answer me now, and I will understand if you don't like me back..."

"It's not that"

Kun blinked several times and looked at her with wide eyes.

"I just thought you liked someone else" Yuxin said, and he tilted her head in confusion.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because you wrote a poem and a love song ..."

Kun laughed softly and hugged her.

"The girl was always you" he whispered in her ear and caressed her short hair "I'm sorry for not being direct with my feelings."

"I'm sorry too".

When Kun pulled away to see her again, their noses touched and their lips were inches apart. Neither of them pulled away from each other and their breaths began to get heavier and deeper.

From the times Kun and Yuxin have been together in the university, they know what the other thinks just by looking at each other's eyes. That gesture of communication is unique and strong  but not impossible. So Kun knew right away what Yuxin wanted, but he didn't kiss her.

"Why not...?"

"Kiss you?" Kun said as he looked at her dilated pupils "because for me it is not a simple kiss with the lips. I want to save this moment, your eyes at this distance, your heat, your breath, the smell of flowers that your body emanates. I want the kiss to be a touch to the heart".

But then, the moment didn't last long when Kun pressed their lips together and deepened the kiss.

In the end, it wasn't Yuxin who was leaving the country but Xuer.

Meanwhile, ChengCheng complained that his friend used him while Xiao Gui kept offering him condoms as a precaution for their date.

And what about Kun and Yuxin? They are preparing another song to perform together.




Hello, hope you have a great day today.

I just realized that my stories are only sweet (?) Am sorry for that, I will try different ones in the future.

Also i have the plot of two more stories but I haven't written any chapter yet, when I have something written I will start publishing it.

Hope you liked this one and thank your for read it. 💙


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