05| Light and Shadow

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"Let's get away from here. Let's escape"

"What? We can't do that."

"You want to go home, and I'm going to get you out of here."

Yuxin quickly denied the idea of ​​her. Escaping could get them in big trouble, she plans to leave peacefully.

"Let's find another way, Yuyan"

Their conversation was interrupted when someone knocked on the door and Yuxin went to open it.

"Xie Na, what are you doing here?"

"Hello girls, I came to bring you this" she left the basket of snacks to Yuxin "It's for you"

"I didn't ask for this"

"Someone gave them to you" she said with a smile and then looked at Yuyan who was sitting next to the suitcase. Xie Na's eyes widened in shock "What are you two doing? If you go out like this it will get you into serious trouble".

"Yes we know, we are sorry"

"Yuxin, don't apologize. It was my idea."

Xie Na sighed and stayed to talk to them inside the room. She came when she could, and for sure, Yuxin will miss her when she leaves the castle.

She stared at the basket with curiosity. Who would buy her so many sweets and snacks?

She pulled out some and a piece of paper fell out. When she read what it said, she found it even weirder.

"Yuxin, where are you going?" Yuyan called her.

"I'll go to see the prince."

Her friend understood immediately that the gift was coming from him. And that her theory was also true.

Yuxin went to the stable. It was night, she wondered what was so urgent that he wanted to show her.

When she arrived she found Kun in a long brown robe, brushing the horse's hair.

"Why did you call me here?" she asked and Kun took something out of his bag to give to Yuxin.

"Put it on, we are going to leave the castle".

She widened her eyes in surprise, but she didn't move or put on the long robe. Kun turned to see her, when he didn't receive any answer.

"What 's wrong?"

"I don't understand. Where are we going?"

"Not knowing makes it more interesting. I promise you won't regret it."

Yuxin doesn't know Kun well and she has always seen him as the culprit for her being locked up in this place. And recently she was upset that he doesn't want to send her home. But there was always something different when they were together. He gave her confidence.

Kun and Yuxin left the castle to reach the central town until they stopped in front of a store.

Yuxin's heart pounded like a drum and she got off to knock on the door.

A lady opened it and her face lit up when she saw her daughter.

"Mom" Yuxin hugged her tightly and then her father appeared and joined in too "I missed you so much"

"We too" answered her mother and then separated from her to see her better "Have you already eaten? And why are you out so late?"

"Are they treating you well, Yuxin?" Asked her father, and her daughter cleared her throat so they could see Kun standing next to the horse.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Liu" he bowed gracefully.

"He is the prince, darling" the mother said to her husband "Please come in".

"Did you bring our daughter?"

"Yes sir. Her daughter wanted to see you" Yuxin's mother was touched by the prince action to brought her here personally to see her parents.

"Please come in"

The three of them sat in the living room, while Yuxin went to the kitchen to serve Kun some water.

"Thanks for bringing her, we were worried about her"

"And she missed you"

"Yuxin is still in the competition?"

Kun lowered his gaze. He had brought her here and had to take her back from her parents. He was being cruel.

"Yes, I'm sorry"

"You don't have to apologize, we know she's in good hands now".

Yuxin's mom wasn't lying. Moms know everything, and Kun was being too obvious.

They talked for several hours. Yuxin always told her parents to take care and not overwork themself. She also asked about her father's back, and gave him massages.

Kun saw himself in her. He also reminded his parents not to be so late and not to sleep at the desk either.

"You have to go now, it's late" Yuxin's mother said, and her daughter just nodded and gave them both a long hug.

She knows that she can't stay, but she was thankful that Kun brought her to see them and know that they are doing well. Even with that small gesture, Kun promised Yuxin to bring her every week to see her parents.

"Thanks Kun" she said as they went back "Do you always do this?"

"Take a girl to see her parents with a horse in the middle of the night? No".

"I mean, you're nice. You send people home when you know they don't want to be in the castle and you also take me out."

"But I didn't send you home".

"And you can tell me why?"

A silence formed and the only thing that could be heard were the footsteps of the horse and the sound of the leaves. The prince found the noise a bit strange. It was as if someone was running on the ground.

He looked around and there was no one but the two of them.

His heart raced and he sent the horse running. He doesn't know if it was his imagination, but it was better not to risk it.

"Kun? What's wrong?"

"I just remembered that I have to finish something for tomorrow"

It was better not to scare her because he wasn't sure either.

They reached the castle and Kun left BaoBaoTa, the horse, in the stable.

Yuxin went to her room and Kun to his office. He had no work to finish, but he couldn't sleep. Something feels odd. His father has no enemies, and the other kingdoms are allies. So, it was his imagination?

His thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on his door.

"Yuxin? What are you doing here? Do you need something?"

"No, I just wanted to help you with what you have to finish for tomorrow".

Kun couldn't help but smile.

"I can do it, go rest"

"But you have to stay late because you take me out".

"Remember that I wanted to do it" Kun got up from the chair and went to where she was. "It's not a lot of work, you will see that I will not be here after ten minutes."

Her eyes were concerned, but she nodded and said goodnight to the prince.

Kun almost took her hand.

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