01| Reach the top

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"Welcome to another episode! This time we will have a group of kids who came from a survival show. I know most of you have the group on your mind. No, we all know that. It's even trending for several days!" Kun heard Zhu Zhen exclaim behind the curtain "Let's not prolong this. We already have the first group behind the curtains ..." A light cast their silhouettes from behind and the former Ninepercent members made the poses they had done in their days of idol producer.

The crowd screamed as soon as the curtains were raised. Kun smiled and waved his hand as well as the rest of the Ninepercent members. While doing that the screams of euphoria erupted until the floor shook and Zhu Zhen had to cover his ears.

The boys introduced themselves as they used to, and even some in the audience shed some nostalgic tears.

"Ah, that was so.. what's that sound?" Zhu Zhen asked with confusion and looked to the sides and the film crews. It looks like the director didn't tell him to make this situation more funny.

The director put on one of their songs and the crowd screamed again.

Some of them remember the steps and others follow those who remembered. Kun took a few light steps and now the nostalgic invaded him. Ninepercent got together a few hours ago and they also wrote in the group chat (that they still had) about the reunion.

When they were all together in the same room, Kun was very happy to see them, it was difficult to meet each other, and having achieved it today is one of the best memories that he and the rest will keep forever. Now dancing (even slight steps) and sharing the same song that was part of them for several months of joy, brought back those good times together that Kun had to blink to prevent from crying. And he knows that he's not the only one trying not to shed a tear.

"Oh, that was very nostalgic and incredible. Now are you ready to welcome the other group?! " Zhu Zhen asked when the music stopped and the crowd replied "Of course you do, welcome to The9!"

The girls came out of the curtain and greeted their seniors, they returned the gesture. And again, Zhu Zhen is interrupted by one of the girl group's music. They danced, the crowd smiled and felt that same nostalgic again.

"All right, director, please don't do this to me again. I just forgot what I had to say. " Some people laughed at ZhuZhen's comment and the director raised his thumb in agreement."Thank you, now that you are all here. How about we start with some talks? And after that we'll see wich group can reach the top" The two groups agreed and sat around the table.

Each one talked about their experiences and what they have achieved so far after the group disbanded.

Kun looked on Yuxin's side whenever he could. The two agreed to participate because they hadn't seen each other for a while and this would be the only way to get them all together. The problem was that they had to act as if Kun was just their mentor and the rest of The9 his students, including his girlfriend.

"It's time to move on to the games. I'm just as excited as the public so let's get started, the first game with the instructions will be displayed on the screen, please pay attention."

A kind of television was slid down and the members were placed in front to be able to see it better. Ninepercent was watching everything carefully, but their leader wasn't. Kun was on the lookout for other things or into someone.

"Well, the first game will be interesting, choose your warriors for this round wisely, we will give you fifteen minutes to decide" Zhu Zhen spoke with the same enthusiasm as everyone in the crowd, Who wouldn't be? Two powerful and popular groups in one frame. It 's too much joy. And of course, the most iconic centers in one show again. It's a dream come true.

Kun and the rest of the Ninepercent members went to a corner to discuss and choose three of them for this round.

"I'm into this one," Yanjun said with confidence.

"Are you sure, bro?" Xiao Gui asked after they had already chosen Nongnong and Ziyi.

"Of course, beside being handsome i'm also smart" He replied with a confident smile and Kun looked over his shoulder. He knew the girls would choose Kiki, after all, he watched the variety group show before.
They chose Shuxin, Kiki and Keran for this round.

While Zhu Zhen indicated where they should sit and memorize some cards that were to be displayed on a screen, the members who won't participate will sit in a secluded corner of the game center. Kun sat beside Justin and they started talking about a restaurant. When he noticed that he had nothing more to comment on he looked at the girls' side. Kun was proud of what they have achieved since they debuted, they have potential and they deserve everything they have now. Especially his first pick. Until this day he doesn't regret participating in that program, otherwise he won't know her and she won't become his girlfriend.

"Kun, who are you smiling at?" Justin asked and bent over to look where his friend was smiling, but a scream alarmed him and made him laugh that he forgot what had happened. Yanjun had landed a cake on his face for making a mistake.

"Yanjun, if you eat another cake, you're out!" Zhu Zhen laughed at the boy's face and his members too.

The round ended with Kiki without getting anything on her face. The9 won a flag, and they still had more games to win.

The director gave them a break before starting the second challenge, and in order to not leave the place alone with two divided groups, the two groups came together and chatted.

Some of them already knew each other from participating in various programs, but Kun knows them all and his eyes only fall on a single person. The two of them also promised to tell their teammates once this show was over.

They felt bad for not telling them but it was because they couldn't find the right time and moment. Now Kun wanted to say it already because Chengcheng was becoming very clingy to Yuxin like in Fourtry's time. Seeing them makes him feel a twinge in his chest.

Yuxin has already shown him that she loves him and he loves her too. Their relationship is stronger than the public would believe. But their fans wouldn't agree that the two of them were dating and Kun was bothered by this, that he couldn't take her hand or put his arm around her shoulders like Chengcheng does.

He took a deep breath and calmed down. He had to relax because the crowd was already watching them and he didn't want to make a scene, all for Yuxin's sake.

The break time ended and Zhu Zhen returned, addressing the camera and them.

"Ready for the second round? This will be very, very fun, but for you it must be scary."

"What do you mean?" Yuxin asked with a worried face.

"Let's find out now" Zhu Zhen pointed at the screen and the video was enough for some of the girls to let out a scream of terror and the boys to hold their breath. Even Kun, who has experienced it several times.

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