Getting ready for the babies

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Caleb had already bought a very nice bed so we slept there.I woke up today at 12 o'clock.Caleb was already at the kitchen. I went downstairs and I saw all my stuff from the other house. Wow he is such a great husband!

Hanna:Oh my god Caleb you brought all my stuff!Thank you so much!
Caleb:Everything for you my love!
Hanna:Wow nice breakfast!
Caleb:Thank you!I have a surprise for you!
Hanna:Another one?I love you!
Caleb:Spencer,Toby,Aria,Ezra,Emily and Paige will come for breakfast!
Hanna:Yeahhh!! Wow the babies are happy too,they are dancing!haha
Caleb:Aww let me feel our little dancers!
Hanna:Do you feel them?
Caleb:Yes!They are ready to come out!
Hanna:In a few weeks.

I winked to Caleb.

Caleb:Uh yeah in a few weeks we will be holding our babies!
Hanna:Daddy can you please go open the door because the girls came?
Caleb:Of course!!

Caleb:Hey guys!
Ezra,Toby:Good morning guys!
Aria:Hello Caleb!
Spencer:Thank you for inviting us!
Caleb:Thank you ,that you came!
Emily:Wow Hanna you are going to pop!
Hanna:Haha in a few weeks!

We ate pancakes and then they left.I had an idea.

Hanna:Caleb do you want to go buy cribs?
Caleb:Yeahh!Let's go!
Caleb:Of course Hanna!

At the store:

Caleb:What about that white crib?I think it's gorgeous!
Hanna:Yeah!I love it!
Caleb:I have an idea, do you want to choose a color for babies' bedroom?
Hanna:Yeahh!I think this light blue it's nice.What do you think?
Caleb:I love it!

We went home and painted the whole room!It became amazing!Especially with the cribs!

Hanna:Uh my back hurts.
Caleb:I will give you a massage!
Hanna:Yeah I need it. Thank you Caleb!

The next day....

I woke up, ate breakfast and I thought that I must make my hospital bag.I put inside some papers,socks,a robe and some sweaters,maternity bras,my personal items and my make up,eyeglasses,ponytail holders,my favorite snacks and clothes.Also warm blankets and clothes for the babies.

Caleb:What are you doing honey?
Hanna:I am making my hospital bag.
Caleb:Do you want me to do something?
Hanna:Uh yeah can you put the car seat in the car?
Caleb:Oh yeah!Of course.
Hanna:I am going the supermarket my love do you need anything?
Caleb:No babe.

Let's see I must buy diapers,bottles and wipes.Wow a baby needs a lot of stuff but I don't care because I love them.

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