Guess who's back?

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          I can't believe how fast the time flies, especially now with the babies. They are almost 8 months!I can't believe it! Giggling, playing and tasting everything they found is babies' everyday life. We had an amazing summer playing around,spending time together and going little trips. The main trip was California, which obviously you know it was perfect. We went to the sea, we got stomach aches from a lot of ice cream, we spent a lot of money in new clothes for everyone. Of course all the family was there! Spencer,Toby,Aria,Ezra,Emily,Alison and Adelaide! And now here we are 16th of November, nearly Christmas!Woop woop!I am so excited to decorate our house and persuade Caleb to dress up as Santa for the kids.It would be hilarious!
          "Good morning love"Caleb said with his morning voice."Goodmorning sleepyhead"Hanna said laughing. "Uh It smells like Christmas!"he said excited."It's only pancakes Caleb!"Hanna gave him a smile."Anyways,everything smells like Christmas!" "Someone is too excited for Christmas!" We all ate breakfast and now we are sitting and playing with the kiddos. At some time I was hypnotized by my happiness and their cuteness but an annoying sound wake me up.It was the phone. "Hey sweetie!"
"Hello... who is this?"I heard a giggle along with a cough. "Caleb's mother sweathart!" "Oh,I am sorry!How are you?" "Good darling, I just called you to say that I am coming tommorow to give you something...if you don't mind!"a feeling of excitement spread my body."Yeahhh"I yelled like a little child that just got his present."You are always welcome!". "Thank you!, I can't wait to see you!

       I am now rocking Tyler to get him to sleep, Penelope is already asleep. As I am watching Tyler closing his sleepy eyes I hear Caleb coming upstairs.Oh I forgot to tell you, I am not going to tell him that his mom is coming, it will be a surprise! "Is he asleep?"He say without a word coming out of his mouth. "Yes, come" He kisses me on the forhead and say "He is so precious" "Yeah!He is so cute!" "You are very precious too"he said and kissing me now on the cheek. The next day has come and everyone is having their breakfast.Suddenly the doorbell rang. "I am going"I said running to the door "Okay!". "Han-"Caleb's mom tried to say something but I cut her off."Shh!I didn't tell him!Surprise him!" "You clever girl"she said and winked to me. "Surprise!"With that her mouth drop by seeing how much her grandchildren have grown."Mum!!!" We hugged we talked and now the attention is at the babies.She made them laugh,she cuddle them and what's even cuter is that she teared up aww I love her."So kiddos I wanted to give you something, wait here!" "Okay, we are excited". She opened the door and bring something inside. Suddenly I hear a bark. "Oh my god it's a dog!" "Thank you mum he is so cute!!!" He is an amazing little labrador retriever, I always wanted a labrador retriever!Later we ate dinner because we were all very hungry and talk and laugh...uh it was awesome! Now we, I include me Caleb,the babies and the DOG, in mine and Caleb's bed.

     "Look at our family Hanna" "Yeah this is beautiful" "We can now start living our lives, different every day, we will have a lot of experiences together, everyday will be special." "You know something else Caleb?" "What? my love" "Love makes a family"

Soo hello everyone, I know, I know I hadn't updated for a long time but you know school is hard and full of exams! This chapter will be the last one because I don't have anything else to write, if you want me to write any other story of Haleb just tell me and I will try to write it!Because come on, I loove Halebb, no matter what is happening in 6B :( I hope you will like it! See you soon!Write your opinions in the comments if you want!Love you and thank you for your support!

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