That's our true family

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I run first and I hug her. She giggled and that was the cutest thing. Then all came to hug her with so much joy. After that we all sat to eat , Aria  cooked turkey for us! The babies were asleep on Aria's bed and Adelaide was in Alison's lap. At a time I stopped eating just to see how happy we were, this is our family we will be together forever.

Caleb: Why are you smiling?
Hanna:Because Caleb look... this is our family, look we are so happy!
Caleb:Have I told you that you are beautiful?
Hanna:Hmm I don't know...
Caleb:You are very beautiful
Hanna:I love you

We kissed but a sweet sound made us smile while we were kissing. The babies are awake.

Caleb:I will take Tyler
Hanna:Okay I will take Penelope!

We took them and we sat at the couch.

Aria:Guys I have an idea , do you want to play heads up?
Spencer:Oh yes!! I love this game!

While the others were playing I was with all the kids and Emily. I love it. Adelaide was literally kissing the babies, it was so cute.

Hanna:Em quick take a picture!

Hanna:Yes baby!hahaha

I left the babies to Emily because I wanted to make some brownies for us.Sudlling enly I feel someone pulling my leg, it was my best friend Adelaide.

Hanna:Do you want to help me with the brownies?

We finally finished the brownies and Adelaide gave one to everybody.

It was the time to leave but I stopped because I received a message. 

It's my turn now bitches.

Hanna:Oh my god!I.. I.. just got a message from Kate the monster and look!
Emily:OMG what is happening?

Sorry for the short chapter <3 I hope you liked it! Have  fun!

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