We are all safe now

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Police got inside and arrested Sara. Luckily this thing with Sara ended fast. I was still in shock but Caleb told me "everything is alright now" and I felt very good. Wait who called police?Anyway.

Sara:I am gonna get out of jail someday and I'm gonna kill you!!
Policeman:Get inside the car now!

We called Alison to take care of the kids so we can go to the police station to explain what happened.We finished talking with the police and now we are in the car with Emily going home.I think that the police said that Sara should go back to Radley and when she is ok psychologically she will go to jail.Phew...

Hanna:Guys I'm wondering...who called the police?
Caleb giggled and said"Me. When you were talking to Sara I had my phone in my pocket so I called the police!"."Thank you sweetie!"Hanna said and gave a smile to Caleb.

Emily:Yeah thank you so much Caleb!I can't wait to go home and hug Alison and Adelaide!


At home:

Alison:What cute friends you are with Penelope and Tyler!
Alison:You want Emily?

Suddenly a horn made Adelaide to look outside.

Adelaide:Mamma look!
Alison:Yeah mum came!Yayy

Emily:Where is my princess?

Emily hugged Adelaide and Alison with so much love.Hanna already has Tyler and Penelope in her arms.Caleb just got inside.

Caleb:where is my babies?

Hanna was sitting at the couch just watching and kissing her babies.Caleb was staring Hanna and the babies.There all safe.

Caleb:You are so precious.
Caleb:Nothing I just want to kiss you all
Hanna:Try it!

Caleb kissed Hanna and the babies and sat together. Just enjoying each other's company.

Emily:Guys we are going home now!Goodnight!
Alison:Bye Guys!
Hanna:Bye girls!Sweet dreams Adelaide!

So hello guys!SOOO SORRY. I am on vacation and I don't have internet here and it's awful.I am in a cafeteria to upload this chapter and to watch the pll episodes I didn't watch. Enjoy your summer loves!
Love you!

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