Alone to the doctor

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Next morning was really hard, waking up, the sun is shining, people are going on with their lives and my mum is not here. I will not feel her nurturing hand again, she won't be minding her bussiness in the kitchen making me food, she is gone.

My stomach made a weird noise and I realised I should eat, I made some nice comforting and hot oatmeal. My mum always prepared this for me. For a moment I layed there watching the oatmeal steam. Then I came back to earth.  

*alarm noise*

"What is that alarm for?" 

*Reminder: Doctor's appointment at 4*

"Oh no, I have forgotten about that!"
I got ready, washed myself and took a deep breath. "I got this".  
At the doctor's office it was full of happy couples, I looked down at my feet, I would start crying again If I watched some happy couples waiting for their baby.
"Hanna Marin"

"Yeap that's me!" I awkwardly stand up and get in the examination room.

"Hello Miss how are you today?" the doctor said with a big smile. "G-great thank you"
"So please lay here and lift up your shirt a little bit"

He put a gel on my belly and he strarting moving a weird device. "The dad couldn't make it today ha? he said thinking it was just a joke." Ugh, I ugh he-" Hanna was interupted by the doctor fortunately.

"So Miss Marin here you can see in the screen your little baby, you are already 2 months" Don't stress a lot, the first trimester is critical" "Okay doctor thank you" He didn't even know what's happening in my life. As I was getting ready to leave I had my mom in my head, wishing she could be here with me, and sharing this moment with Caleb"

The sky was cloudy resembling my brain and feels, I got into my car and started bawling again. The sky synced with me and started raining.

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