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It was a very peacful night until I woke up from Tyler's cry, so I went to his room. I rocked him because he couldn't stop crying. Suddenly I feel a hand hugging me.

Hanna: Oh I am sorry Caleb that we woke you up!

Caleb:Hanna it's ok!Is Tyler ok?

Hanna:I don't know he can't stop crying.

I don't know what but something pushed me to feel his forehead because I thought he has fever, mother instict.

Hanna: Oh my god Caleb you can cook eggs in his forehead!Please bring me the thermometer.

Caleb:Okay babe

I put him the thermometer and he had 102 fever!

Hanna: We must take him to the hospital!

Caleb:Yeah! I will call Emily to take care of Penelope ok?


On the phone:

Caleb:Emily sorry for waking you up but we must take Tyler to the hospital because he has very high fever and he just throw up!

Emily: Oh my god I am coming as fast as I can!

Hanna:Caleb take him please I feel very dizzy and I can't breath!

Caleb took him and sat down for a little bit.

Caleb:Hanna babe are you ok?

Hanna:Yeah I am just worried for Tyler.

Caleb:Sweetie he will be ok he is strong like his mother!

Hanna:I love you

We kissed and then Emily was here.

Hanna: Thank you so much Emily!

Emily:Anything for you guys!!

We arrived at the hospital and we run to a doctor.


Wren:Hanna?Do you have a baby?

Hanna:Yes and he is sick please can you examine him?

Wren:Of course!

After 10 minutes:

Wren:Its just a flu but he must stay here for the night because he is very young

Caleb:Ok thank you Wren.

The night is very hard cause the fever don't go away but after some medications it did.Now he is sleeping in my arms. I was lost in his cuteness because he was smiling in his sleep.

Hanna:Caleb look he is smiling in his sleep!

Caleb:Aw my baby is ok now. It's ok now Hanna in a few hours we will leave

Hanna:Yeah luckily!

Now it's morning.

Caleb:I am going to buy coffee do you want too?

Hanna:Yeah thanks!



Wren:How is...


Wren :How is Tyler?

Hanna:Very good thanks!

Wren:I am glad!

Wren:Hanna I missed you...

Shoutout to @CocoDW for her amazing writing skills <3 Hope you liked it!Thank you so much for your suggestions! How good was the premiere? I loved the last scene with the couplessssss <3 Which was your favorite scene?

Oh and I am sooo sorry for not posting for a very long time, you know... finals

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