Finally happy all together

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Hanna:Look Ali you did a lot of things to me but I want to reconcile because we are friends. We will be together till we die, the five of us. So please dont do anything stupid again.

Alison left a tear of pain and love. She was so pleased that she had such good friends.

Alison:Thank you so much Hanna! I will do my best for you!Because we are a very strong team.

Alison winked to me.

Alison:Oh and If you want to go somewhere you have babysitter for your little angels.
Hanna:Thank you so much!We must go for dinner sometime all together!
Alison:Yeah sure!
Alison:What is that giggle?
Hanna:I think it's Tyler, I will give them a bath and I will return ok?
Alison:Bye little princess!

Alison:So Emily, Hanna forgiven me, you?
Emily:Alison... I tried to hide my love for you but I can't. You are my first love and you will be the last one. I don't know about your feelings but mine are a lot.
Alison:I can't express with words my love for you.

Alison kissed Emily with all her love as she was hugging her.

I took the babies upstairs for a bath. Then I dressed them. I put Penelope a pink dress with a black bow in the middle, and it said "Princess".Also a ribbon in her hair. As for Tyler a black bodysuit with a light blue bow tie.
Hanna:Come on babies. We must go to find daddy and Toby. We will surprise them!
Alison:Oh.My.God Hanna you have the cutest babies in the world. Penelope is just like you and Tyler just like Caleb!
Hanna:Haha Thank you! Girls we are ready shall we go to Toby and Caleb for a coffee?

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