A loss

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 "Oh my god it's my mother!" I felt my knees getting weak and hitting the cold floor and tears rolling down my cheek. I coudn't believe it,my mother was laying there dead,pale as the sheet. I was crying and crying until we got to my house and I took a nap. The girls stayed with me. I woke up feeling so sick. I went downstairs and said "Girls you don't need to stay here, it's okay..." "Hanna are you kidding, you just figured out that you are pregnant and your mum is dead!" In that moment it hit me, what is happening to me and I started bawling. "Hanna you need to calm down, it's not good for you neither the baby"Spencer said worried. "I can't!I am alone, the only person that loved me always and supported me is not here!" "Hanna you have us!Caleb!" "Yeah?Where is he now that I need him?"I said and I stormed out of the sofa and went to my bedroom.
"I think we should leave and let her think a little bit"Aria whispered to the girls.

After some minutes later laying in the couch with some chocolate in her hand Hanna couldn't help but think.

I am trying to sleep because I am so tired but my mind is full of thoughts, bad thoughts. "Should I keep the baby or not?" "Will Caleb come back?" "What will I do without my mom" "I am sure it was "A" that shot her". My heart was pounding so fast I couldn't relax. But when I was trying to relax I realised that I have a literal baby in my belly right now, it's mine and Caleb's baby, it's our miracle. I finally managed to sleep.

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