Caleb please don't leave us

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Toby called immediately an ambulance and now I am in the ambulance with Caleb and the babies. Toby will go to the hospital with his car and he will call the others. I was looking to Caleb,he was lifeless, I didn't see any signs for life. I left a tear drop.

Hanna:Caleb please wake up, don't leave us, your kids need you, I need you, you give me strength.

After 10 minutes we arrived at the hospital. Caleb isn't awake yet. Suddenly someone knocked the door.

Hanna:Come in...


Spencer:How is Caleb?

Hanna:He isn't awake yet...

Aria:Hanna don't worry he has the best doctor of the hospital, he will be ok!

Hanna:... Did Toby brought the stroller?

Spencer:Yes!And the baby bag!Toby!

Toby:Here is the stroller and the bag.

Hanna:Guys thank you so much, you don't need to stay here go to your houses.

Emily:Do you want to take the babies to my house and...I don't know take them anytime

Hanna:No thank you, they are hungry I will breastfeed them

Emily:Are you sure?

Hanna:Yes. Bye guys if I need help I will call you!

Spencer:Ok bye!

I breastfeeded Tyler and Penelope, now I am talking to them and I hold them, I don't want to put them in the stroller I feel nice with them in my hands.

Hanna:Babies I love you so much I don't want you to not have a dad in your life. I want your dad back. You know what he is just sleeping and in a few hours, he will wake up and say "I will never leave you ".


I try to talk and open my eyes because I knew that Hanna was there I was feeling her. But I couldn't, I was feeling weak. At a time I heard someone saying "he is just sleeping and in a few hours, he will wake up and say I will never leave you." . I knew that the person that was talking was Hanna. Then I was sure because I heard babies, a sweet laugh, that was Penelope.

Caleb:I..will..never...leave you. I love you.

Hanna:Oh my god Caleb!You scared us! We love you daddy!

Caleb:I love you too!

Hanna And Caleb Through LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang