The sickness

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*2 weeks later

Caleb has been gone for two weeks now and he doesn't answer my calls and messages.I am so worried about him! Why would he not answer my calls?
Suddenly Hanna felt very dizzy and sat down.
"Wow where did that dizziness come from" Hanna said as she clenched the couche's pillow. Later on, I met all the girls at Spencer's house,we watched a movie and we ate a lot of popcorn! After our little binge watch of our favorite movies Spencer gave me a suspicious look and said"Hanna are you ok?you look very pale"
"Yes don't worry I am okay, just very worried about Caleb and-"
A rush of sickness didn't allo me to finish the sentence so I went to the bathroom very fast to throw up. That was the time an idea popped in my head but I wasn't sure, could I be pregnant?Aria asked me if I am ok and I said to her "NO I am puking all day  and my period is late!I think I am pregnant"I started crying."Hanna it's okay we will figure the things out.Listen I will go buy a pregnancy test and then you can be sure, okay?"
"Ok thank you Em"She gave me a smile and she left. Spencer sat next to me and said"Han don't worry we will help you, Caleb will help you, you are not alone!"
"I just wanted him to be here"I said and a frown was drawn on my face. Suddenly Emily runs in and says "Here  is the test Hanna, good luck!"
I did was I supposed to do and as I was waiting I started bawling and negative thoughts invaded my head.

A minute later the 3 girls were waiting anxiously outside of the bathroom door until Hanna came out.

"Oh my god, the test-"

To be continued in the next chapter ;) 

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