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After getting home all I did was sleep. I went to bed and didn't wake up until Eri came into the fort and started lightly tapping on my face to call me down for breakfast. I pulled myself up walked downstairs where my parents were cooking together. Papa was at the stove making pancakes and Dad was hugging him from behind. They were swaying back and forth and Papa was humming a little. I love seeing them so in love. It's like everything they do they find away to be together and be happy. I want that. I want someone to love me and I want to give someone my love. It hurt my heart that it couldn't be Denki anymore.

Eventually they were done cooking and now we're sitting at the table eating. Well Papa is eating. Dad is taking all of the sugary toppings away from Eri and I'm kind of just swirling around my cereal.

"You okay kid?" Papa asks me.


"Are you sure?" Dad follows up.

"Yes Dad," I reply.

"Do you need a hug Toshi?"

Eri looks up to me from her seat at the table while with her arms already reached out towards me. For whatever reason it makes my eyes start to water and I turn away from her. I shove cereal in my mouth and wipe my eyes before tears can fall.

"I'm fine guys," I state.

My voice is unsteady and it makes me want to cry more that even even my own voice I have no control over.

"Code red everybody let's go!" Papa announces.

"Papa no I'm fine."

Nobody listens though. Everyone stops eating, stands up, and comes around the table draping their arms in a hug. I don't try to fight it though. It does feel nice to know I'll have these three no matter what.

"We all love you, you know that right kid?" Papa asks.

"Yes," I reply simply.

"But I love you the most!" Eri exclaims.

"No that's impossible because I love him more," Papa says.

"Do not," Eri argues.

"Do too."

Both my sister and father remove their arms from around me as they begin bickering with each other. Dad of course gets annoyed and goes back to his seat where he almost fully retreats into his scarf. I get a notification on my phone and I decide to open it. It's a text from Mina. It's a picture of a guy dressed in all black and then a girl in all pink holding hands. I read the caption under the picture and my heart drops.

you and sparky
UwU <3

I remember just how much I miss Denki now. How much I wish I could've been a better boyfriend. How much I wish he could be here just holding my hand or even just standing next to me.

"Hizashi, Eri, sit down," Dad says in a stern voice.

Immediately Eri and Papa stop bickering and take their seats.

"Hitoshi," Dad starts, "you have to talk to us. We can't help you the right way if we don't know what happened."

"Nothing happened Dad, I'm just- tired."

As I speak, my eyes are still down looking at my lap. My phone is off but I can't bring myself to look up.

"Toshi, you're our only son. You can tell us anything. We could never be mad or angry at you. Unless you think orange and green go together," Papa tells me.

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