Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Pt. 1

759 29 31

Started: Oct 2 2021
Ended: Nov 25 2021
Listening to: Love I Need; The Living Tombstone
Status: Unedited (10/2/21)
Edited (7/18/23)

"Ok, do I look okay?"

"You look so sexy! Yo are you sure you like Shinsou that much?" Mina says lowering her voice and biting her lip.

"I am right here," Kirishima comments from out of frame.

"No, but look at him," Mina commands.

Kiri leans closer to Mina and into frame.

"Goddamn- so Denki- are you sure you're not poly?"

"Guys, just tell me I look good enough to meet Hitoshi's parents."

"Yes Denki you look great. Now go before you're late," Kirishima urges.

"Yea please leave I want to make out with Eiji."

"Ew. Goodbye."

I hang up off of the facetime call and do a once over in the mirror one more time before I head upstairs. Hitoshi's parents are making dinner so I decided I could make desert. I made cupcakes as soon as I got home from school and took them out of the oven after I showered. They should be cool now so I can put them in the container without making them soggy. I decided against putting frosting on them since his family might not like it. As I pen the door from my room I can hear voices coming from the kitchen.

"No and when she got up I could not breathe."

"I know right! I was trying so hard not to laugh!"

I turn the corner and my sisters are in the kitchen perched up on the counter eating the cupcakes.

"Those are mine!"
I say running over to where I left them.

"Chill theres like ten left Denki," Kihito brushes me off.

"Yea but there's not an equal amount!  Now there's only two vanilla ones left and- why is there frosting on them?"

"Kanpeki," Taiyo says hopping off the counter.

A friend grows on my face.

"Oh my god. They are just cupcakes. You're so petty," Kihito complains.

"They are mine," I say feeling myself starting to heat up.

Kihito reaches for another but I put the lid on them first.

"Bitch," she spits at me with rage.

Her and Taiyo go upstairs talking about me.

A heavy tear falls from my eye and I angrily wipe it away with my sleeve. The scratchy material of my sweater burns my face and probably makes my cheek turn red. I cannot stand them. They make me want to die. Why do they hate me so much? What did I do to them?

I turn back around ready to leave and forget about them when I see the frosted cupcakes and rage surges through me again.

"Oh, hey Denks- what's wrong," Kanpeki asks as he enters the kitchen.

"Leave me alone."

I walk past him and out of the house. Normally I'd say something to him but I really can't handle that today. I already feel like shit after my sisters and I don't need him making my mood any worse. I just want to see my boyfriend.

As I walk along the sidewalk my mind starts to fill with all of the scenarios that could go down at dinner. I see his mom inviting me in and his dad showing me his baby pictures and cute Eri and I bonding. I still can't believe Eri is his sister. Now that I really think about it I can see the resemblance.

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