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"Kira 1-10 dari belakang"

Aku sekarang dah kira sampai -45 dan anesthesia tu belum berkesan lagi.

okay ni pun antara worst nightmares i.

just some quick info :

ada satu keadaan ni yang dinamakan "anesthesia awareness" which means anesthesia tak berfungsi and pesakit masih sedar and rasa setiap prosedur (also setiap kesakitan) yang jadi kat badan dia sepanjang proses pembedahan.

i tatau cerita ni betul ke tak but ada yang cakap sepanjang kewujudan anesthesia ni dulu, takda sesiapa pun yang tau anesthesia ni bole tak berfungsi sampai la ada 1 kes lelaki ni lepas pembedahan dia cakap dia still sedar sepanjang proses tu and nak saman hospital.

since then diorang dapat tau yang anesthesia ni bole tak berfungsi so wujud la keadaan "anesthesia awareness" tu.

bagi i the creepy part is what if sebelum kes lelaki tu ada lagi kes anesthesia awareness ni tapi orang tatau sebab diorang tu tak survive untuk bagitau so orang just anggap tu macam failed surgeries je?

and not forget to mention, lelaki yang survive tu pun mesti trauma gila. can't imagine what he have went through.

(ps : please understand that i'm just trying to tell this in the simplest way possible so i might get some terms wrong and please kindly educate me because i don't know enough about this kind of stuff ❤️)

(pps : truly sorry if ayat i macam pelik ke apa. because currently it's almost 5am and i haven't sleep for like idk? 2days?💀💀)

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