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why can't i marry a song


i want to marry friends
and then sex
why can't i marry it
i will marry sweater weather and daddy issues too
remix version of daddy issues doe
and scary love
def marry

are u drunk by any chance?

had a few shots of vodka and that's it

texting you

so sweet
i got a question
would you ever want to die
like just die



bc i don't like to live

lmao same
everything's a fucking cycle man
i don't get it

they didn't even ask if we wanted to be born

like fr
i either wanna die or runaway

same lmao
i hate this town

i hate it here
but i cant leave so that's fucking dope

why can't u leave?

bc i'm 17

doesn't mean you can't leave

true true
should i ditch class
this class boring as hell

sure ditch

ditch with me
even tho idk where u are and who u r

we supposed to be doing a test
ppl will see

what test?

idk what's happening

that's funny
i might skip to go to lunch early
leave school grounds

i support

aw thank you
text u later bc u unbore me

what a joy

(seen 11:40pm)


"where are you?" el asks into the phone as she runs down the halls of the school, "my restaurant." lucifer answers as she hums, "be there in 10." she hangs up and puts her phone in her bag.

heading out of the school not caring about a thing in the world, she walks over to her car and gets in.

she could care less if she got caught, it's not like she'd get in trouble for skipping. she knows she's not going to college anyways.

people go to college to get a job so you will earn money and survive in the world. but what if you already have all the money in the world?

she has everything she needs and everything she needs to survive so why the need for college?

lucifer didn't go and he owns like three countries and a bunch of mansions so why does she need to work?

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