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"miss, we're here." jino says, shutting off the black SUV as she sniffles, "a second."

"why are we—"

"i said; a fucking second!" she screams at him as he gulps.

she shuts her eyes to let more tears out, "i'm on my period and my cramps hurt more than what he did to me in that cell!" she sobs from the backseat as he stares at her in shock.

"don't stare at me like that!" she grabs her purse, "that's what your mother had to go through to get pregnant with you! a little shit!" she shouts and exits the car before slamming it shut.

she walks through into mike's building and then quickly rushes past the receptionist but gets stopped by max on the way.

"mike wants you in another room." max says as el scowls at her.

"jesus fuck, what happened to you?" max asks her.

"period! my stomach fucking hurts, i can barely move and i feel blood rush out of my fucking vagina!" el screams as max chuckles, "i feel you. lucas deals with me like this every fucking month." she says as she leads el to another room.

"i'll get you a heating pad later if you want." max suggests as el nods, "thanks. and i've been crying nonstop because it hurts so much."

"maybe it's your heels as well." max suggests as el nods, "perhaps." she mutters and quickly walks over to mike who was sitting on a couch in the dark dim room.

"what's wrong?" he asks her as she sits down on his lap, "period." she frowns as his eyes widen, "this can't be good—"

"shut up! do you see my tear stained mascara!?" she cries as he nods and pecks her temple, "you'll be good. i wanna show you something." he snaps his fingers at lucas and he goes to the wall and push it back.

"damn, we gotta invest in one of those too." el breathes out as mike grabs her hand and helps her stand up.

"and hey amanda!" el waves as mike leads her into the room where a bunch of people was tied up.

amanda just stood out to her.

"she worked for my father her undercover." mike simply explains, "want do you want to do to her?" he murmurs in her ear as she stares at amanda who is tied and taped up.

"chop off her fingers and toes to make stew where she has to drink." she looks up at him and grins, "hernandez tradition."

"or fucking cannibalism." lucas mutters as she glares at him, "it is not! they're eating they're on fingers and toes."

max chuckles as mike leads el closer and to the equipment, "take anything you want, love." he whispers in her ear.

she smirks, "why don't you have a chainsaw?"

"we have a flaming thing." he points. "a chainsaw is way better, go get me a chainsaw. oh, and a razor. the electric ones because i don't know what they're called."

he looks at lucas and he nods and grabs max's hand before exiting the room.

"they'll get it." mike says as she nods, "let's start off with a little something first then." she takes out her knife, spinning it between her fingers and walks towards amanda.

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