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i have a gun

wanna practice shooting
go by the cliff so no one hears and gets scared
or the forest

kinda wanna shoot myself

ok now that's concerning

wanna draw on the floor with my brains and blood but i won't be able to do that after i die
do you think it'll hurt
when i shoot myself in the head?

i think it'll be so quick you won't even feel it

then i should do it

no you shouldn't

i'm debating.


i'm in the tub rn
everything's dark
i have candles
how should i die?

why don't you tell me why you wanna die so much

idk bro
i just wanna
i don't know why i wanna
i just know i do man
and i mean my life is perfect and i have everything i need so i don't know why i'm this way
i'm privileged as fuck
just don't wanna live and breathe anymore

you feel tired?
maybe suffocated

i just don't wanna live bro
my ED is kinda getting worse
i know it
but idk what to do

go to the doctors
they can help

dont wanna
i lost weight
my brother was right
idk what to do
like i wanna die but i don't wanna kms
i keep saying it but like i won't do it


bc my bro
my dad
well not my real dad but you get the point
and i have no reason to die
i'll just push through
it's only a nighttime thing
i'll be good man

you need to see a doctor, val

yeah but they snitches
and scared
what if they be like damn bitch u got depression

then you'll be cured

they can cure the voice in my head?
that repeats my childhood shit?

what type

my dead dad
like i know he loves me and cares for me but sometimes his words are real hurtful
but it's his father style i guess

i understand
my dad is lowkey the same


after my sisters and mother died he kinda snapped
i mean he was always an asshole but he has gotten worse

our families are shit

defo shit

i just wanna be skinny
i'm so fat
like if i'm not fat maybe i won't wanna die

i'm not a good comforter but listen to chase atlantic and you'll feel better
i assure u

i'll try it and get back to u

i'll wait for u

ty :)
(seen 9:39pm)
i feel better
i put my sleeping pills, razor and gun away
oh and i ate almonds

just almonds?

i feel better and i'll just eat tmr

yeah you fucking better

i'm going to sleep
i wanna sleep it off
see u in 5 days and 4 when i wake up :))


night ❤️
(seen 11:49pm)
r u at school?


i left u a message on the lunch table :)
try to find it

bitch u fucking cunt

it's funnnn
we meeting soon
it'll be fun

where u at doe

not school grounds love
come onnnn

it better be fucking good

(seen 12:29pm)

bitch really?
i love to suck gio's dick and he loves my little pussy?
for fucks sake
you're a literal child sometimes

aw ok
also i don't feel like i want to die anymore
at least not rn

but if someone sees this thing you might get in trouble

i don't care
handcuff me sir!


ok fine
we meeting soon
i'm kinda excited

will you be disappointed


if you have seen me and you hate me

probs not
bc then i will realise ur a nice guy and listen to me talk

oh ok

hope u don't hate me doe

i won't
i know i won't

bc ur my friend now

ur my friend too stupid cunt

stupid dick
i'm leaving dick
text later ass

bye cunt
(seen 12:49pm)

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