Chapter 24:Getting Help

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Mario POV Addition Treatment Chicago
in Chicago,IL
Mario got no choice to check in the treatment because he is depressed and upset and furious with brother Dexter for keeping it things about where Tatiana and his daughters are now they are in Tokyo,Japan.He blame Tatis best friend Druchilla Barbers for ruin their marriage.He is in his bedroom after the nurses give him the medicine.He is in his bedroom looking at the window as he talk to himself and his rage
"Damn you,Dru.Damn you Dru.You ruin my life,I lost my daughters because of you,and now I lost my acting career.You gonna pay for this when I get out of rehab.She is gonna found out what you did."

Michael POV Bad Tour in Osaka and Yokohama,Japan
Michael and Tatiana had a great time while he is performing in Japan before he is about to take a break from the tour.
"Oh Michael I had a great time be on tour with you."
"Me too.Amanda and Latasha is really enjoyed my performance and singing duet."
They are at the hotel and now Michael got something to tell her.
"Michael,Something gotta tell me?How is Katie doing?"
"She is doing fine and she says she miss us and Amanda and Latasha can't wait to see her before the holidays."
"Aw Im still thinking about her too.No wonder she is still miss her soo much now they bury her mother Where is Katie now?"
"Her aunt and her uncle moving to NYC because they got a job months ago."
"That will be great.That means my girls will be seeing more of her and her friends."
Michael look sad and worry.So she ask.
"Michael,What's wrong?"
Michael hold her hand as he finally tells her something that he is been waiting for.
"Michael,Is this about the person who ran over Katie's mother and kill her?"
He try to hold back his tears as he is finally tells her truth.
"I took Katie to police station and went to visit her father in prison.He is really emotional and he is devastated for not got out of jail because he was charged with drugs possession.He it's getting clean up his act when he goes to rehab."
"Michael,Tell me who hit her mother?"
His eyes are watery but he hold back the tears  but it's too late as his tears falling down his face.
"It was your ex-husband Mario Sims.
Her mouth drops as she hold her mouth.She can't believe what Mario did this.She broke down in tears.
Michael comfort her and hold her as she continue to cry so hard.
"Tati,shhh You scary our kids."
"I wanna kill him.I HATE HIM MICHAEL I HATE HIM.How could he do this to her mother?"
They continue to cry together as he wipe her tears.
"How in the world did this happened?"
" He is been drinking and driving and hit didn't see the red light he accidentally ran over her and he didn't help her so he drove off like nothing happened."
"OMG How could Mario be soo cruel and didn't help her?Im really sick to my stomach."
"Tati,calm down"
"Are they looking for him?"
"Yeah,LAPD and FBI is gonna look for him."
Tatiana wipe her tears as she calm down.
"He is gonna pay for this.He is not gonna my children again when he goes to prison."
Michael and Tatiana hug each other.

Author note:I'm glad Michael did the right thing telling Tatiana about what Mario did to Katie's mother.Boyy She is really upset and furious.My heart will be broken for her children if  Mario goes to jail after he got help.Stay tune for more readers.

Tears of pain and sorrow Book 2 :Michael and Tatiana Story Where stories live. Discover now