Chapter 35:Kidnapped Part 2

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Michael POV

Michael woke up at 6AM as he get ready to take a break from touring so when he went to Tatis room to woke up, but he went knock on the door and says.

"Good morning babe, Its time to get up. Tati? TATI!''

But there is no replied ,When he open the door, Michael saw the all her stuff is still there but he saw the note and he reads and he is really shocked and cant believe it and says:

"Dear Michael,

"Its been a long journey and been a great experience for me always .Ive been dealing with a lot since I told you about our daugther Amanda. You are amazing father to my daugther Latasha. But after is been all the tabloids did something about you, me and and my children. My life is been turn upside since, I was broken inside and been crying since and I cant control my tears since. I felt I got to say goodbye to you Michael. You are wonderful friend and love of my life. I cant handle fame anymore. Its too much for me. I will always love. My children needs their grandmother and their aunts. My ex-husband Mario Sims threating me is been horrible nightmare that he didnt know you are father of Amanda. I'm scare for me and my daugthers Im gonna go into hiding from the public and back to Los Angeles so I can coporated.You got to get Sheryl Crow to fill in my place doing a duet with you. I'm gonna follow my dreams like you make dreams come true before. I hope I will see you after you finished Bad Tour.

Love, Tatiana''

Michaels tears roll down his face on the paper that she wrote as he broke down and screams.


He put his hands on his face as sobbing all night when backup singer Sheryl Crow.

"Michael, I can hear you scream. Whats wrong? Where is Tati?"

"She left.She left me the note."

"Oh Michael.How could she took off and leave the tour?"

Karen Faye spotted and hear him crying while in the hallway.

Karen makes a call someone.

"Hey, Did you get Tatiana?"

"Good. Michael wont know that I wrote that letter and is not from her."

She evil laugh.

Meanwhile POV in NY

Tatiana got tied up while and tears stream down her face cover in blood and scratch on her. She screams.


Author Note: Oh heck no Karen got someone kidnap Tatiana and Michael didnt know she didnt wrote.Oooh its about the shocker to find out who kidnap her and Michael didnt know it was not her. Oooh that evil white witch. Stay tune for more chapters.More to go.

Tears of pain and sorrow Book 2 :Michael and Tatiana Story Where stories live. Discover now