Chapter 31:The Expose

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Michael POV

Michael perform two shows in Madison Square two nights in the role.He perform"The Way You Make Me Feel"after he did a duet with Tatiana.She work the stage and nails and then she grab his blue collar and lock into the kiss him on stage.The audience when bananas and love it.Michael loves it.When he finish performing on stage.Michael and Tatiana is enjoy their night went back to hotel when Karen Faye sneak in the room and can't believe what they did on stage.

Jaliscia POV

Jaliscia,Whitley and her friends are returning from Michael Jackson's concert from NYC.When she return to her dorm room she saw behind the shadows it was Mario Sims.
"Hello Jaliscia."
"What the hell are you doing here?How did here?Im calling police."
"Oh no you not I wanna get the truth.How long y'all know what's going on between Michael and my ex wife Tati?"
Whitley walk into because she forgot something  she left something in the dorm.
"Jaliscia I forgot-
"Hello Whitley."
"OMG Jaliscia what is Mario doing here?"
Mario put his gun out of his pocket and threatening them.
"OMG Mario what are you doing?"
"I'm not leaving til I see my daughters Amanda and Latasha."
They are scare that he is gonna harm her friends.
"Where is Tati and my daughters,Whitley?"
"You'll  never find them."
Whitley shut him down.

Author note:Oh no Mario threatening them and they are in danger.Are they gonna tell Mario where his daughter is with Michael? Stay tune readers

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