Chapter 30:The Kiss Made News

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Michael POV Bad Tour New York,City March 3rd,1988

Bad Tour continues in the states now after his spectacular performance at 1988 Grammy Award.He loss all the awards.Tatiana comfort him back stage before he hit the stage.
"Aww I'm so sorry that you didn't win anything tonight."
"Awww I got over it quickly.I'm OK Tati."
"Are you OK?"
He shook his head as he burst into tears.
"Come on Michael ,It's gonna be OK."
He wipe his tears to keep for streaming down his face.
"Michael,You are not loser."
"But Tati-"
"No buts,You are the best performer ever.You are winner and got long standing ovation.You are winner."
He smiles at her as he wipe his tears.
"Thank you,Tati you are the best.You are true friend and be there for me after you struck that stage."
"Oh Michael at least I did the first time at the Grammy Awards.I'm gonna live this forever."
"Hey how was the Afterparty?"
"Oh It was amazing.I got a chance to meet big stars and I met Diana Ross for the first time."
"Oh That is great."
Michael looks sad after brought up Diana Ross.
"Oh I'm so sorry,Mike.I should not brought her up."
"No It's OK.I ain't seeing Diana in a long time since was married to business man Arne Naess Jr."
"Oh Did you get a chance to meet her husband?
"No I didn't meet him and I don't want nothing to do with him but now I moved on since.I'm OK as long as I'm with you."
"We know we are not dating yet."
"I know.Uh Tati,I gotta tell you what's coming up this year."
Michael and Tatiana sat down in the hotel room in NYC and he had announcement to make."
"What is it?"
"I got a book coming out later this Spring and it's gonna be autobiography.
"What is the title?"
She stunned but will support him Michael.
"You gonna talking about your moments with your brothers  The Jackson 5 and your mom Katherine and your father Joe?"
"And OMG about you and me my daughters?"
"SHH Tati,When I found out that you had my daughter,I'm really believe it.It's been soo long,and I thought about Billie Jean is not my son,but thank goodness it's not mine at all.I'm thankful  that my daughter came to my life."
Karen the makeup artist  overheard their conversation and she is in shock about the secret.
"OMG Michael got Tatiana pregnant and he is the father?Its can't be.She is married to Mario Sims but not anymore.Wait til Mario finds out about this."

Mario POV
Mario Sims saw the paper of Michael and Tatiana kissing on stage during in NYC.He can't believe his eyes what he saw in the picture .
"OMG How long you know about this?"
"Tati says she can't tell you after what u did to her.You are out of control.That's why she left you."
"Dexter,That's is why she went on tour and not telling me about this?"
"Now Mario,There is nothing you can't do about it."
"Oh I'm gonna do something about it.I'm gonna find my daughters and  I'm gonna get Michael for this."
Dexter jumps out of the chair.
"Mario,Are you out of damn mind?"
But someone knocking on the door.It was the Detective Abbott and the police from Chicago Police Department.Dexter opening the door while Mario is hiding in his closet.
"Hello Dexter Sims?Marios brother right?"
"Yes may I help you?"
"I'm Detective Abbott and this are the police.We have a warrant for arrest of Mario Sims for the hit and run for death of Lorrie Tanner."
Mario is horrified now he is on the run now.

Author note:I'm glad y'all have a great Labor Day past Monday and I'm back.Uh oh Mario is going crazy now he is gonna look for ex wife Tatiana.Oooh it's gonna stir up and OMG Karen find out about Michael is the father of his daughter Amanda.She won't shut her mouth that long.Stay tune for more chapters.😱

Tears of pain and sorrow Book 2 :Michael and Tatiana Story Where stories live. Discover now