Chapter 36:The Kidnapper Revealed

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Warning: This chapter contains  assault and violence abuse should not be insuitible  for young readers. Readers Discrection  Advised.

Tatiana POV

Tatiana woke up in the basement and realize she is been kidnapped. She is been tied up and her duct taped on her mouth and got blood all over her clothes. She is try to escape when she finally saw the photos of her. Someone is stalking her, children, her friends and then Michael. She was horrified when she saw the photos she turn around and saw Katie got tied up and wrapped up her rope behind her back.


She got duct taped on her mouth and she is been crying since. She is kidnapped too.

"Shhhh Its gonna be OK sweetheart. Dont cry. Dont cry." She wipe her tears from streaming down her face.

"Tati, Whats going on? Where are am I?"

"I dont know honey. I wonder the same thing where we I too. Who could've done this? Who did this to you and who kidnap you?"

She begin to sob again and again.

"I was just walking home from school  with your daughter Amanda and then there is stranger with dark glass and hoodie on falling me, and he says, "Hi, what are you waiting on?, "And tell him my aunt. She is picking me up before she go back to work. Then he says," How about I will taking for you for a ride? "I say No I cant go with strangers. My mom warn me years ago before she died. He felt sad but he follow me and when we turn around and we start running then he grab me and put me and Amanda in the trunk and he says," SHUT UP I WONT HURT YOU TWO." Then we got into the basement down stairs and then I scream," HELP ME SOMEBODY HELP ME, and then he slapped me and told me to shut up or I will kill you. "Katie sobbing.

Tatiana's eyes are watery covers her mouth and start to broke down crying really hard and cant believe that creep kidnap her daughter Amanda.


Both of them are crying as they held each other. Amanda is in the chair over there.


"OMG Amanda come here sweety. Did he hurt you?"

"No. But he hit my head before he kidnap me."

"Oh no he hit your head?"

"Ouch mom, It hurts."

"Sorry sweety. We gonna get out of here."

"But the guy got the key. There is no way out of here."

Tatiana is realize about another Latashia.

"Wait a minute! What about Latasha? Amanda, is your sister are OK?"

"She is OK. She is still staying at Sierra's house."

"Thank goodness she is safe."

What about Michael?"

Katie asking as Tatiana.

"OMG Michael. Oh no He is gonna be worry sick about me. He didnt know I was kidnapped."

They are looking for a way out of the basement but they are noises is coming from the closet."


"Mommy what is that noise?"

"I dont know its coming from the closet."

'Be careful mom."

She open door and she sees Whitley, Jalicisa, and Dru tied up and got duct tape in their mouths."

The girls are screaming.


She took the tapes out their mouths.

"OMG They kidnapped yall too?"

"Oh Tati, I got to tell you something."

Jalicisa's tears still streaming down her face as she speaks.

"He knows about you."


"Shhhh Tati. Someone who hear us."

The guy in the hat walk in and saw us try to escape.

"Who are you and why you kidnap me and my daughter Amanda and my friends?"

The guy took the glass off and the hat off and he is finally revealed and she horrified for what she saws."


Amanda, Why you calling that man dad?"

"OMG Mario."

"Hello Tatiana"

She covers her mouth as and then she passed out on the floor then is a blackout.

Author notes: HOLY MOLY It was her ex husband Mario Sims kidnapped her and her daughter Amanda and her friend Katie. There is a lot of more to come. Just wait till Michael finds out what happened her. Stay tune readers.

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