Chapter 43:The Walls are Closing In

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Karen POV

Karen Faye is in gonna land herself in hot water now she overheard that someone kidnapped Tatiana and her daughter Amanda and her best friend Katie. She says to herself.
"Oh my God. Not Katie .It's Amanda's best friend .I'm gonna deal with this before Michael founds out what I did."
She was about to call someone to get, but the telephone rings two times as she picks up.
"Hello whoever that is from tabloids ,on behalf of Michael Jackson's and Tatiana Thumbtzen 's I ain't comment."
"Hello Karen."
"MAX? I told you not to call me while I'm working for Michael."
"Listen, I saw Tati for the first time now I got out of jail after served there for three years for rape Tati."
"So where did you do took her and her daughter Amanda at?"
Max is looking at Tati and Amanda now they still tied up.
"New Jersey."
"What city is in?"
"East Rutherford, NJ."

Karen realize where Michael is gonna be.

"That is where Michael is gonna perform. We are back in the US states now."

Meanwhile POV

Max is on the phone with Karen and tells her disgusting secret about himself and Tatiana while Tatiana is still tied up.

"I met Tatiana in NYC while she walking and I went to meet her. I was stalking her for a while after she walk out that club where she work at as club singer. I have a crush on her. I want her since."


"SHUT UP TATI or I will do something I will regret."

He put a knife to her neck and try to touch her Amanda.

"Get your hands off my daughter u monster."

"I'm not gonna hurt her. I love children. I love them more than Michael Jackson loves them. I found out in that news that Amanda is Michael's daughter and then I read that her ex husband Mario Sims the actor is been blackballed by Hollywood after he abuse Tati. The police didn't arrest him. He is still on the run."

Karen is faking while wipe her tears. Someone knock on the door. It's Michael.

"Oh damn, I gonna go it's Michael. I gonna get him ready for the show tonight. "She hang up the phone.

"Uh Karen, Who is that you talking too? It better not be the trash tabloids."

She is soo busted but she lie to Michael.

"Don't worry, I already hang up on them."

Oops She forgot to hang up the telephone. Sheryl Crow finally recorded conversation and finally got it on tape.

"Oooh that evil psycho Karen is going down. Wait till Michael hears about this what Karen did."


Max is wasting no time and now he is finally ready to confess now why he did to get Tatiana off the tour.

"Tati, After what your abusive ex-husband of yours did to you, I went to Chicago and when I saw him going to look for Linda that he slept with after she got kick out of Beauty Pageant after she confess to Mario she is HIV Positive. I beat him to it. I went to knock on the door and I pretend to be Mario and then she open the door and there is no one out there. When she turn around walk back in, and then I grab her neck and put a needle on her throw and then she was dead."

Tatiana's eyes are watery when she find out that Max frame Mario.

"OMG You kill her YOU KILL LINDA?"

"I got to teach him and Linda after he cheat on you with that freak."

"There is something else you did Max."

"Oh yeah, Something else I did while before he is headed to airport to Chicago. I accidently hit that poor lady with my car and frame Mario."

"OMG It's Katie's mother Torrie Tanner. YOU HIT HER WITH YOUR CAR AND FRAMED MARIO?"

Katie is in shock overheard and attack him but Whitley grab her to calm her down.


She screams at Max.

Her daughter Amanda un-tied her and her mom Tatiana attack Max.


She grab him and while she try to grab the gun from the ground while fighting Max.


"SHUT UP MAX. You try to get me to be with you you kidnap me, my daughter, her friend Katie and then you kill two people few years and frame my ex-husband. YOU ARE A SICK BASTARD!"

"Tati, I did to safe you so from Mario after find out about you and Michael. So you safe."

"What are you talking about? He didn't plan to find me. He is in rehab in Chicago. You are crazy."

"Not anymore sweet thing. He is in been arrested."


There is a blackout.

Author note: Woww Max finally confess and framed Mario and YAYYY about time Sheryl Crow finally got it on recorded .Both Karen and Max are about to go down. More few chapters to go. Happy Weekend

Tears of pain and sorrow Book 2 :Michael and Tatiana Story Where stories live. Discover now