chapter 37

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Even though this day was saturday... But everyone woke up early like always... Once eunsae opened her eyes she went quickly to hyuyoon's room to check on her and to know what happened that night... Small steps part their rooms... Hyuyoon opened the door and it was obvious that she didn't sleep... Her face was pale... Eunsae closed the door behind her and walked after her friend saying:

- "come on reassure me about what happened yesterday?!"
Hyuyoon didn't say anything but went straight to the kitchen to make the morning coffee... Eunsae rolled her eyes in frustration and followed her sad friend insisting to know the answer of her question but with no response from her... So she hold her hand strongly stoping her and repeated her question that made hyuyoon shout at her in anger and frustration:

- "what do you want to know?"

- "what happened between you yesterday?"

- "Nothing... The story I told you... I repeated it to the commander and Mr kangjun sympathy me and forgive me for cursing him infront of everyone..."

- "and what did the commander say about it?"
Eunsae was so interested to know the details so she followed her friend to the caoch... Even though she knew how much her friend is mad... When she suddenly standed up saying:

- "I don't know how does your boyfriend think? Like he doesn't know anything in the world called kindness... I don't know how do you deal with him!"
Eunsae looked at her with reproach eyes... And said:

- "don't say that about the commander..."

- "you're stupid and you don't know anything..."

- "kindness was just created for women... But men have to be rough to be attractive... So what happened yesterday?... Continue..."
Hyuyoon was quiet for a moment... Then droped her cup of coffee and started to cry... Her tears were heavy and honest and that made eunsae release her sympathy and love to her friend... Hugging her strongly... A moment passed before hyuyoon went to the kitchen to get a mop to clean the coffee stain from the floor while talking to eunsae saying:

- "he asked me to leave with kangjun to the farm tomorrow... To spend a week there so we can clear our problems... And he said that he created the right conditions for it..."

- "then?"

- "if we couldn't solve our problems... He will force us to live togother in the empty house near the dorms which belong to the camp... So we could back a real couple like he said"
Eunsae jumped happily because of what she heard... And sighed happily saying:

- "that's great..."

- "No... Not great"

- "it's the most beautiful thing for lovers to meet anger filling them... And when they forgive eachother it has another taste... It would be the most amazing feeling ever..."
Hyuyoon looked at eunsae with mocking eyes and correct her saying:

- "that happen if the love is common between the two... One heart... Like you and the commander..."

- "does it mean that you'll leave us soon?"

- "yes my friend..."

It was a strange day... Hyuyoon felt relieve even though it might get worse... The weather was rainy without any coldness... And kangjun the words betrayed him to express his love and sorry to hyuyoon...

Everyone was eating his lunch while thinking of what happened and what will happen... But they didn't know how this strange day would end...

The door knocked strongly... Min hurried up to open it... Everybody was surprised that the commander, ray and T.K were standing infront of the door... STRANGE... All the girls looked at each other from the shock... While the commander's anger was obvious... Because he didn't greet them when he entered... That made hyuyoon to say after the staring session from the commander didn't make her comfortable:

- "don't stare at me I didn't do anything and I will do everything that you said sir..."

The commander's eyes were searching for someone else then it stoped on Min and Tia while the rest standed straight in respect... Because they felt that some problem was bothering him... What is it? That cleared up when the commander standed infront of Min saying:

- "which one of you received the goods from the ware house at six o'clock yesterday evening?"
Min got confused and was afraid of what will happen next specially that she knew how much her brother getting angry in those cases... So she replied:

- "me and Tia"

- "and why didn't you sign on the receiving papers?"
Tia bit her upper lip trying to relieve herself from the problem she get herself into... She was afraid... But cleared up her situation saying:

- "I depended on Min to sign the papers sir..."

- "really?!... And you Miss Min?"
Min wiped some sweat from her forehead and said quietly:

- "and I depended on her..."

- "great... And both of you didn't notice that there is no sign on the paper... Don't you know that this is the summit of neglect in the camp..."

No one dared to speak... Everyone was listening to them noticing the commander's anger who ordered T.K to question them to take down the maximum sentence against them...

Everybody thought that the things ended like this...and the commander was leaving with his friends... But he stoped and looked at eunsae who was standing staring at him carefully... Moment passed before he said seriously to her:

- "what are you doing at five o'clock this evening?"
Eunsae got confused... And was alittle bit shy from the eyes of everyone looking at her then said:

- "Nothing sir..."

- "then can I see you in the cafeterea?"

She nodded agreeing without saying anything... And when the commander left all the girls went to her asking for what would he want from her... But she said she doesn't know... Vicky smirked and said while sitting on the chair next to her:

- "maybe he want to scold you about something you did... OR... He want to tell you those sweet words that he doesn't want us to hear..."
Eunsae blushed while hearing this and then she looked at hyuyoon who continued after vicky saying:

- "if it was sweet words it's not our right to hear... But if it was scolding her then it has to be infront of us... Like everyone..."
Eunsae didn't say anything... But she smiled and her hands were shaking from the nervousness scared of what waiting her after two hours so she decided to free an hour before the meeting to clean herself and to look beautiful... And this hour she suggested to hyuyoon to prepair her bag ready to go to the farm with Kangjun tomorrow... Eunsae tried to remember something she did would be the reason for the commander to call her for that meeting... But she didn't get her answer... Except what she said in their last meeting... When they get back early that day from the farm to the camp... She was too nervous... Her heart beat increased... How much time does she has now? An hour then she can know everything... So she decided to leave the dorm earlier to comfort herself and to decrease her nervousness before getting to the cafeterea...

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