chapter 27

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the doctor finished examening eunsae to say happily that she recovered completely... so he wrote her the leave paper from the hospital but to commit the instructions that he gave her vicky promised him to do it for her...

eunsae left the bed and inhalde the fresh air before she left the hospital... in a few minutes vicky finished backing her things in a pesonal bag ready to leave the hospital quitely... a far voice stoped her... they looked quickly behind them when T.K was standing with his seriousness and calmness behind them saying:

-"good morning... how are you eunsae?"

T.K presence made her worried and sad... but she hide her feelings and welcomed T.K who steped forward saying:

-"tomorrow you both are invited with the rest of the girls to a dinner party organized in honor of eunsae in the big hall... i hope you be ok eunsae to come"

eunsae and vicky looked at each other confused... vicky stand straight and steped forward from eunsae talking to T.K saying:

-"but ray didn't tell me about this..."

-"i know... that an order from the general command..."

eunsae and vicky get out from the hospital after they tell T.K that they would love to come to the party... and when they came back to the dorm everyone surounded eunsae happy that she came back good again... flowers filling the place... the dinner was on the table celebrating her... and laughing every where... ray was the only man like what hyuyoon said he was prettifying the small party in the dorm... eunsae was staring at everything... the flowers... the girls...the dinner... the dorm... she felt like she wanted to scream and cry... a small tear fell from her eye she wipe it with her hand apologising to everyone that it was happy tears..

ray steped forward to eunsae when he saw what in her eyes and everything from her heart... he then said:

-"the room got prettify because of you my friend..."

eunsae smiled and said:

-"with you too my friend..."

-"for sure everyone of us want to say something to you... but me i want to tell you that i get you a three days vacation to go see your uncle... and you'll stay two days in the village..."

eunsae felt alittle happy and thanked ray his kindness and for standing beside her in her problems... and they both knew that they hide the truth from each other... which eunsae didn't know if anyone knew it...

-"the party was amazing... i don't know how to thank you..."

eunsae said her sentence while preparing her bed to sleep... but hyuyoon pull up the covers from her face and said:

-"you're fine now when you know how much we love you huh?!... you're my best friend and i don't like to see you weak..."

eunsae sighed sadly and said:

-"i wish I'm just weak... but I feel raged... lost... i feel that all the world's problems in my heart and it's dead..."

hyuyoon looked at her and didn't say anything... to not made sad again... but she was sure that everything she felt was right and truth...

the girls started to go to the dinner party with smiles all over their faces... it was 8pm when ray and T.K arrived eunsae was in the middle of her friends smiling... but when she look at the chair that the commander always sit in it she felt sad again... she tryed to get of all the memories which started to attack her to begin from the start...

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