Chapter 39

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Hyuyoon closed her bag slowly and nervously... And that was the same for the rest... Min and Tia and what waiting them from punishment... Vicky who's preparing for her Wedding... Hyuyoon and what she'll get soon... Except eunsae she was full of happiness... She didn't feel that her happiness will affect anyone... Because she's been tired alot and her days were more rough than anyone until she got this moment of happiness...

Minutes passed and hyuyoon was standing infront of the car she will take with kangjun... While he was waiting for her there... And when their eyes met she felt anger so she said seriously:

- "I want to give you an important advice before we leave... I don't have anytime for love... So don't wait from me except hate..."
Kangjun didn't answer to any word... But he sat in the car beside T.K and they left to the farm even with hyuyoon clear anger because kangjun didn't care about what she said...

- "what does the commander wanted from you yesterday?"
Vicky's question was to eunsae as if she was with them and heard every word they said... But eunsae redress herself and said:

- "Nothing..."

- "that's strange... Three hours in row and you say nothing"

- "I mean nothing you care about"

- "then it was love and flirting meeting"
Eunsae looked at vicky again... And stoped wearing her military uniform and said seriously:

- "vicky please don't talk about this subject..."

- "then what is the secret of that box which you recieved yesterday?"

- "I didn't open it yet..."

- "dear don't forget to let us see it when you open it..."
Eunsae and vicky laughed spontaniously like they get each other... Because eunsae couldn't open the box afraid that her friend will discover it... So she put it in a save place until the time let her open it just with the commander...

The road to the farm was wet although it didn't rain much... Hyuyoon had too much bad thoughts because she knew exactly that she won't get anything new from this meeting... She felt that it pressure her so hard... So she give up to sadness and pain that she had from long years... And when she arrived with kangjun T.K said goodbye to them hoping to meet them next week... Hyuyoon felt strange emotions when the grand ma welcomed them like a newly wed... And what made her more nervous that she lead them to their bed room... One room for both of them together... And finally she faced this rough situation again after all these years... When she put her luggages down and sat she felt pain and sadness controling her... The grand ma came close to her and said wiping her wet forehead:

- "what is that paleness on your forehead, dear?"

Everybody looked at her, and kangjun came near her saying:

- "hyuyoon what's wrong with you? Do you want me to get the doctor?"

And in one minute hyuyoon didn't remember except that everyone was asking if she's ok... Then she passed out... Along time passed and the doctor still examining hyuyoon and her sudden sickness which made everyone sad... Including kangjun's worriedness and his confusion waiting for the doctor to say that it's a neurological condition because of pressureing situation maybe accompanied by complications so they have to take good care of her... Kangjun said goodbye to the doctor and thanked him and went back to hyuyoon who was sleeping like alittle angle who's so tired and has so much sad memories and pain... He sat beside her looking carefully at her while she's giving up to this sickness...

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