➑ If I'm a fool for love

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I hope I was your favorite crime

Peter Parker

"So then we met," I whisper.

   "Then we met..." She says, taking out a cigarette. I've never seen her smoke before, but she looks vulnerable comparing to me being tied up here she looks like she wants to die more.

   "But that didn't mean much to you, didn't it?" I ask.

   "I didn't quite capture you the way you did me. But I knew they'll be an impact." She blows the smoke up in the air. "Perhaps Loki is right about all the codes."

"This... code..."

"Perhaps I should just throw you in the door you're leaning against right now and have that snake suffocates you then eats you whole."

"You had the time, but you didn't." I actually thought I was going to die when Loki left, she lost it. But here I am, still breathing. "Perhaps I ruined you up."

"Please, I was left in ruins since the beginning."

I look at her tears, I've never seen this side of her. Looking like she's breaking down from inside out. No, that couldn't have been all that broke her.

"What happened after we met?"

"Well... I ran to Loki, he swooped in, make it look like the older brother killed his younger one. In the end, the bad man is in jail, but isn't dead."

"I don't care about them. What happened to you?"

She starts biting her nails. "I broke the code... I got punished."

"He hurt you?"

She looks away. "Yeah."

"What kind... of hurting...?"

My sense is starting to feel something wrong. (Y/n) does all the 'codes' Loki gave to her because it was her only way to survive through the day. But for all I know, I wouldn't trust a single word he says.

"Fuck. Did he—"

(Y/n) flicks her cigarettes off her hand and gets up in a blink, she stands before me and has a gun to my head.

"You say another fucking word about this and you're fucking dead!!"

I look up at her, backing away a little. Trying my best to calm myself. He touched her, that bastard fucked laid a hand on a girl he manipulated. And it would be easy for him to break a psychopath, he surely is one.

This was what I wanted, to help the girl who helped me unknowingly. And now that she opens up to me, I can return that favor.

"Tell me. Was it Loki that tells you your father wanted you killed?"


"And was he the one forbids you from looking for him?"

"Because that would lead back to him finding out my whereabouts."

LUNATIC Ⅱ : Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now