Chapter 23

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Heather described the legendary wizard as Jenna, but they still don't have any proof of knowing that Jenna is the legendary wizard. Find out what the trainees will figure from the history books.


"Xing, do you know who is the legendary wizard in this academy? If you do, tell us. We want to meet him/her." Heather replied to Xing.

Xing looked away. "Sorry, it's a secret. It's something you guys will find out pretty soon.

"But let's say if the legendary wizard isn't in the school, what would we do if you don't know where that person is at?" Texas complies Xing's words.

Xing sat down and explained everything. "There's a way where you can find that legendary wizard. Watch all the competitions and you might have a clue of who the legendary wizard is. Or you can ask the other professor."

Everyone looked at each other and sighed.

Jenna walked into the classroom and saw the trainees with Xing.

"Miss ... Do you know anything about the legendary wizard in this school? If you may have, could you tell us." Heather responded to Jenna.

Jenna declined her request.

"The legendary wizard may be hidden in this academy, but you need to know his/her name of that wizard. If you don't know it, then what's the point in searching the legendary wizard."

Heather nodded. "Is there a library in this academy?"

Jenna looked at her. "There's no reference about the legendary wizard in the library. Only 4 people knows about the legendary wizard. If you want more information, I suggest asking them instead of looking through the books."

"So you're saying there is only 4 people who knows about this legendary wizard." Ryder also responded.

Jenna nodded. "I know about the legendary wizard. Professor Xing knows. Professor Samuel also knows. And Professor Elizabeth also knows if you know her."

Xing looks at Jenna and she looked back at him.

"Is there special training for us trainees?" Heather commented to both profesors.

Jenna looked at her gladly. "There is. And the special training is done by Professor Elizabeth. If you want that, Professor Samuel or I can contact her."

Heather was flattered by her words. "And how are we able to get the training by her approval?"

Someone knocked on the door and Professor Elizabeth walked in. "Who needs me?"

Heather was flustered by Professor Elizabeth.

"Welcome, Professor Elizabeth. These are the trainees for for the next semester. Please take goo-." Jenna got cut off from Wesley.

"Oh my gosh. It really is her. I'm your daughter fan, Jenna, right? Do you happen to know where she is? I want her autograph so badly." Wesley was overreacting.

Xing chuckles. "You've been standing next to her the whole time."

Wesley was confused. "No way. Your our professor. Oh my gosh. How come we didn't notice?"

Jenna looks at every one of them and smiled at them.

"So who still wants the training?" Professor Elizabeth replied to the trainees.

"So wait, who is the legendary wizard in the school?" Ryder asked.

Jenna looked at everyone. She sighed. "It's me. I'm the legendary wizard, you've been looking for."

Everyone screamed for an autograph and Jenna was squashed as a potato and can't get out of it.

Xing chuckles. "Okay. Settle down. We still have classes to take so get ready everyone."

Everyone sat down and giggles.


So they found out who was the legendary wizard. Jenna had a rough time being a professor since it isn't easy as it tells you to do so. So chapter 24 will be a battle with the highest class members for Wizards Academy and Wizards High. New members will be able to achieve their goals and defeat their opponents.

Stay tune for Chapter 24.


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