Chapter 9

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After all the battle was settle, it is starting a new year for every new students and for the Professors for every magic school.


Just a few hours laters, new students have arrived.

Professor Samuel waved them and pointed them towards to the door inside the auditorium.

Xing came to help Professor Samuel. He said, "Need any help, sir?" Bows down.

He smiled and nodded his head.

Just a few minutes later, the students were flattered by Xing.

They all stared at him and they were all hugging him.

But then Professor Samuel said, "Sorry girls. He's taken already. So please go inside." He grins to let Xing relax for the ceremony.

The girls walked away with a sad face, but just then a boy passed by Xing and said, "Watch where you walking into, bitch?" He glared at Xing.

Xing was about to punch him, but he said, "I'm sorry, my bad. Keep walking around if you like." He grit his teeth.

Just then, everyone settle themselves to sit down and watch the ceremony.

As for the boy who bumped into Xing ended up with all the girly girl that everyone was staring at.

Professor Samuel announced himself and introducing about the school.

The boy stood and said, "Pardon me. But did you think this school would improve our magic. I mean like what if we don't succeed and all of us failed." He had an evil smile on his face.

Professor Samuel said, "We will see about it this year. And we will let everyone succeed in this school and graduate. If you dislike this school, why did you come here at first and bother one of my students, sir?" He said it with loyalty.

He backed out and he sat back down to his seat.

He looked back at Xing and gave him a glare.

So Professor Samuel said, "So everyone your schedule will be up front and you will be living in a dorm right on the top floor. Firstly, my students will hand you your schedules and you can check out your dorm before going to class." He smiled.

So the new students got up and walked to the front as for the boy sat behind and think about his words.

Xing said, "Hey boy, I got your schedule. Come and get it fellow student." He looked into his eyes.

The boy glared and snatches away his record papers.

So Xing ended up following him. As he followed him, Professor Samuel called him over and he hid behind the curtains.

Just awhile ago, Jenna popped up from Xing's back and said, "What's wrong, Xing?" She looked at him with confusion.

Just then, the boy appeared and he grabbed Jenna into the curtain.

They both came out of the curtain. Jenna said, "Are you scared of Peter Hillary? He is the next best student in this school pretty soon, Xing." She told him about the boy.

He said, "Peter Hillary?!" He shakes his head.

Just when class was about to start, Xing was getting nervous of what new students he has for his class.

He stared at the same boy that he met earlier and he was shocked.

Everyone was surprised.

Just then, Jenna came in late. And every one of the new students screamed and cheered for Jenna. As for Peter he stood there and screamed out saying, "I LOVE JENNA." He blushes.

Jenna was also shocked, but she said, "Thanks everyone."

Once then everyone took a seat, it was left one seat for Peter next to Xing.

Jenna looked at Xing and said, "It's okay. Try to breathe, Xing." She smiled at Xing.

Peter was looking Xing and he glared at him.

When class ended, Peter was waiting outside of class for Xing.

Just then, Xing came out and waved a goodbye to Jenna.

Peter glared at Xing for a moment and he walked to his dorm room.

Peter grabbed his arm. He said, "Are you dating, Jenna?" He was saying about the past.

Xing let go of his hand and walked to his dorm.

He said, "You better watch out kid. You don't want to mess with a first class wizard." He glared.

Just a few hours later, Jenna came in to Xing's room and said, "Are you okay, Xing?" She touch his shoulders to calm him down.

He stared at mirror and Jenna sat down on his bed saying, "You know he is only a fifth class wizard. You don't need to worry about him. Just be yourself and everything will be fine, Xing." She smiles and hugs Xing gently.

Xing felt her warmth and he kissed her.

They kissed for only thirty minutes and as for Peter he passed by Xing's room and saw him kissing Jenna. He slammed the door and they both stared at him. They both was startled.

Peter's tear came down.

Xing said, "Why did barged into here, kid? You could have just knocked the door you know." He grit his teeth once more.


The perfect moment was about to start, but it ended so badly. Hope it continues more.

Tomorrow is school and I don't think I won't be able to upload anything yet, but I will keep in touch about Chapter 10.

Enjoy reading chapter 9.


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