Chapter 11

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Should Peter be able to handle Jenna and Xing's training? If not, who knows that Peter might failed the finals.


In a few days later, Jenna and Xing passed by Peter and said, "You ready, Peter." They both smiled at Peter.

Peter stuttered. He said, "W-we W-ell, a little. Just want to freshener up. Heh." He fakes smiled.

Jenna said, "Okay meet us at the REAL battlefield training." She walked away with Xing.

Peter shrugged off the training with Jenna and Xing.

He thinks over and over and ran to training.

Xing did his best on the concentration of moving the objects through the hoops.

Peter just watched at Xing concentrating and seems very focus in his training. On the otherhand, Jenna swings around with fireballs and she also throws them as if she slices through a person.

Peter walked in and Jenna said, "Here, we want you to try if you slice a fake human body in half. Don't be nervous or afraid because it will make your concentration  ruined and it makes your mind fall down and it will be bad for you." She said with good words.

Peter stared at Jenna and Xing as they practice for their finals coming this week.

Xing said, "If you can't handle it, I suggest you should rest a bit, Peter." He said with sadness.

As Jenna was mostly focus on the fake human body, she decided she switched places with Xing's position of practicing through the hoops.

Peter watched them both carefully.

He watches as he laughed at Xing the whole time training.

Next few hours, it was lunch time. They all three decided on a chicken pork salad with French sauce of it.

They all three were like awkward. Just then, when they ordered it, there was only two left and Jenna ssid, "You guys can have it. I'll just get a cheesecake and ice coffee." She smiled and turned away.

Jenna went back to her dorm and started studying the higher class spells.

Xing didn't want to interrupt and he left her dorm.

Peter stopped by Jenna's dorm and he looked at her studying into fear of fire inside of her. He wanted to knock the door, but he didn't and he walked away.

The moment Professor Samuel came out of his office and wanted to talk to Jenna, but when he went to her dorm she wasn't there.

He was confused. He was sure she was going to be in her dorm. Then, he turned around and saw Xing saying, "She's at the battlefield training by herself. I'm guessing she wants to be in the Master Class too." He replied with agony.

Jenna kept on training until midnight. She was almost out of breath and she ended alone by herself and she was about to be hungry.

Just then, Xing said, "Don't push yourself. It's bad for you. It's okay if you want to reach through to Master Class. Everyone knows, Jenna. Don't be sad." He replied.

Jenna put her head of his shoulder. She said, "I'm not training for that. I'm training for the finals. They will change the rules this year. They will have all magical schools to battle us wizards into challenging us. Even the magic council is watching and the location is around the whole town. I suspect that my spell that I've been practicing will be able to blow up almost ten or twenty people in the town." She said with knowledge.


Would Jenna handle her agony or will she sit out for the battle for the finals?

Who knows if Jenna is going to join or not?

The finals for every magic schools is in a few days.


Wizards Academy: Jenna, Xing, Jason, Peter, Crsytal, and James

Wizards High: Stanley, Lilly, Helene, Fernand, Jeffery, and Irvine

Fairy College: Fiona, Bloom, Vinny, Mandy, Peggie, and Jani

Magic council: Hilary, Wilson, Kazuto, Yuuki,  Raymond, and Dave

Stay tuned for chapter 12.


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