chapter 13

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(A/N yay! New chapter!Ψ(≧ω≦)Ψ)

In a dark alley, Sung Jin-Woo weakly slid down the wall, his face flushed red and his breathing accelerated. How could this happen to him?

To answer that, let’s go back to how all of this started.

A week and a half ago.

Jin-Woo had just been discharged from the hospital after his oestrus cycle ended but he would require a few days worth of rest so that his body can stabilise the pheromones. Jin-Woo climbed the car with Jin-Ho who had been waiting outside. However, on their way back, a gate appeared in the middle of the road.

"...deja vú..."

"Seriously? Just when can hyung-nim get some proper rest?"

"It's fine, I'll handle it"

"But hyung-nim, you need to rest!!"

"I'm fine"

Jin-Woo entered the gate and in less than an hour, he was back. With that, they continued with their ride.

The next day, some of his shadows reported that another gate had appeared in a deserted part of the city. Jin-Woo thought he could handle it since it’s only one gate, so…it’s fine…right?

But boy was he wrong, more and more gates kept appearing, sometimes reaching as high as 6 gates in a day and Jin-Woo was needed to handle this mess. The guilds were helping reduce the number of gates but their efforts weren’t enough.

As much as Go Gunhee didn’t want to, he had to ask Jin-Woo for help with these gates.

And Jin-Woo being Jin-Woo, accepted it with open arms.

(E/N: typical Jin-Woo behaviour)

He handled 3-5 gates each day.

However, he had overestimated his health and that led to his current situation.

Jin-Woo sighed heavily. Maybe he shouldn’t have overestimated his health and endurance this much. He couldn’t move his body let alone try to summon his shadows.

(A/N: YOU THINK?! that's what you get for pushing yourself too much!)

He should’ve rested when his sister told him to. If she was here, she would have nagged him day and night.

(A/N: you deserve it)
(E/N: yes, he absolutely deserves it, that adorable dumbass)

As he was thinking about all this, he felt a presence near him.

A man, probably in his thirties, was walking with a bottle in his hand. He was visibly drunk.

The man stopped a few meters away from him but the man doesn’t seem to notice Jin-Woo. He sniffed the air and laughed.

"I know you're here, little omega~ Your sweet addicting scent sold you away~"

(E/N: ewwww get this pervert away from my precious Jin-Woo and hand him over to me, I want to have a talk. I promise it will be a talk (with some knives involved but no one needs to know that))

Jin-Woo panicked. His heart racing. Fuck! His pheromones haven’t stabilised yet! He couldn’t move his boy, what should he do?

"Oh little omega~ there you are~"

The familiar helplessness came crashing down on him and he was once again unable to stop this series of events that was bound to happen.

Jin-Woo felt lost, he felt scared. He felt genuine fear, an emotion he hadn’t experienced in such a long time. He desperately wanted someone to help him.

Someone. Anyone. Help me!

He wanted to scream but he was too exhausted to even lift a finger.


He watched helplessly as the man drew closer, Jin-Woo wanted to stand up and run away but his body was as heavy as lead, he couldn’t do anything. He was scared.

The next thing he knew, the man was unconscious with a bruise on his face and someone was helping Jin-Woo up.

He wanted to see who his saviour was, he wanted to make sure that it wasn’t another pervert trying to take advantage of him. But the nonstop working since the last few days took a toll on him, his vision was getting blurry. The man was saying something but he couldn’t hear it. He wanted to resist, he wanted to make sure that he isn’t landing himself into a trap, he wanted to flee but he was very helpless at this moment.

However, the person holding him let out a comforting scent, a scent that made Jin-Woo’s Omega instinct trust this person. And although he isn’t normally the kind of person who trusts his second gender’s instincts, this time, he felt like he could trust this person. He somehow knew that this person meant no harm and was only here to help him.

Jinwoo only heard a short sentence.

".....I'm here....."

(E/N: hehehehe finally the romance ensues
A/N: This drawing was drawn by Editor-chan. She said, and I quote, "Since this chapter did have the aspect of lust in it, I think this drawing would be perfect")

 She said, and I quote, "Since this chapter did have the aspect of lust in it, I think this drawing would be perfect")

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