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I left Aiden's office with a bright smile on my face i loved the way he was staring at me as if i was a queen , as if i was the only girl in the world , i know how cliché this sounds but it's true , When he touched me i felt tingles in my hand , i made sure to fix my hoodie before before i stepped inside the house

"Where the fuck have you been Tessa" Damien yelled i instantly froze "uh i had a interview" Brent motioned for me to come sit at the couch with them so i did so "didn't i tell you that you couldn't go" Damien said i held my head down "yes you did" "so why the fuck did you do it" he asked gritting his teeth "because i said she could" Kolton said i smiled at him "if she wants to make her own money then we should just leave her be"

I loved how he always stood up for me even when i could do so by myself "you know how i feel about Aiden he's an asshole and sneaky little bitch and i don't trust him" Damien said i all of a sudden had the urge to speak up for Aiden "don't call him that" i told Damien as i glared at him "are you taking up for him" Brent yelled "as a matter of fact i am because he isn't a asshole not to me at least , he was so nice even when he learned that you all was my brother's"

"You like him don't you" Alex said and i blushed "I said he was nice not that i like him" Damien walked closer to me then tried to grab the hoodie i had on i moved away from him "take it off" he said i shook my head "nah it's pretty cold" i told him knowing if i take off this hoodie he would see the massive hickey Aiden gave me

"Tessa I'm not fucking joking take it off" he yelled causing me to jump my eyes landing on Kolt for help but he was busy glaring daggers at my hoodie i sighed then pulled it half way off i yawed "I'm so tired goodnight brother's" i tried to walk away but he grabbed my hoodie and pulled it off

I heard gasps around the room , i wouldn't blame them when i saw the hickey i was surprised too "this better not be what the fuck i think it is" Damien ....growled ? "Depends on what you think it is" i said trying to lighten the mood it only made it worse Kolt stalked towards me then ....sniffed? My neck "please Tessa tell me you didn't let him suck on you , tell me that you fucking burnt yourself or something"

Kolton yelled and thats when i knew i was in deep shit "i.i.its.n.not what it l.looks like" i stuttered out and mentally smacked myself "Tessa Lynn Fucking de'Rosa is this a hickey" when i say his body was red and hot as if he had a fever "yes it is but-" "I'll deal with you later" he stormed out of the house

And i turned around to see all my brother's disappointed faces "go to your room" Jax said and i sighed doing as he said.


She let that fucking bastard suck on her neck i wanted to go find his ass and kill him and i can't stop the question that was running through my head "are they mates" i hated the thought of it but it was highly unlikely for Aiden to do that

As much as i hated him i knew he wasn't a man who're i use to think he was gay that was until i saw the hickey on my little sister's fucking neck . I continue to run letting my paws hit the dirt i wanted to punish Tessa but i didn't know how I've never had too before

Maybe we can ground her you know take her phone and make her stay inside the house (Manny my vampire said)

For once you have a good idea my wolf Storm said .

When i got back to the house i wasted no time going up to her room she was just sitting on the bed "i want your phone and laptop and your grounded until i say so and your going to have a long lecture" i told her she huffed "I'm Seventeen Damien it was bound to happen soon"

I gripped her chin so she can look up at me "Tessa don't ever in your fucking life say that shit again your my fucking little sister and ain't shit else happening until you turn thirty and i fucking mean it you need to stop pushing your luck" i told her as i left her room with her things in my hand

"Can you fucking believe it" Alex said as he sat on the couch "i don't know what the fuck was she thinking" Jax stated "what if their mates" Kolt asked and i sighed "it's possible" i told him "we have a shipment in two days with him at his wear house how about we take Tessie" Brent suggested "FUCK NO" me and Kolton yelled at the same time

"She'll find out about the mafia soon so why not let her" Alex said and the thought crossed my mind "actually we can just to see if they are mates" i said with a smirk because he has one move and I'd kill him.

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