*Twenty One & Two *

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NAME:Rocco Ramirez (Rocky)
AGE:Twenty one
Title: Beta


It's been a week since the shit with newt happened every time i see him now he always apologize for grown napping us , I've also decided to go out every Friday with the omegas since most of them are shy and everything else .

I was currently walking to my mansion with Rocky he hasn't really been around for almost a year now and I'm surprised that he hasn't seen my pups yet , he has been going from city to city looking for his mate and i can tell he's starting to get emotionally drained he's already twenty one and since i didn't want my beta feeling down i decided to help him by giving him time off.

Walking into the mansion was my favorite part of having pups i smiled when all three of them came running into my arms i had seen Rocky stiffen but why i wasn't going to read his mind because that would be invading his privacy and i promised that I'd never do that .

Noah looked up at Rocky with a smile and that's when i heard it "Mate" my beta whispered but when he had seen Noah he shook his head then quickly left out of the door how the fuck was he Noah's mate is that even possible ? "Rocky wait" i yelled out to him as i followed him out of the door "what Aiden" he asked with a stern voice and a hardening face "he's your mate isn't he" he gulped gripping his hair obviously in distress "obviously not for long" he muttered "just when i fucking find my mate - i can never be fucking happy" he shifted into his brown and grey wolf running off quickly .

I sighed going back into the house Noah was waiting for me at the door just staring at me "what's wrong buddy" his shoulders slumped then he shrugged "it hurts right here" he said putting his hand on his chest as his little face frowned "fuck" i muttered as i picked him up in my arms "it'll go away soon pup" he nodded.


"Wait so Rocky your twenty one year old Beta is our pups mate" Hunter asked again for the forth time and i nodded making him sigh "how can he even feel it though he's only Two" i only shrugged running my fingers through a sleeping Tess hair "is it because he's going to be a alpha , i heard that most alpha wolves inherit everything early"

We both stopped talking when we heard a loud whimper outside of our door Hunter quickly opened it to see Noah clutching his chest and panting "daddy it hurts" Hunter immediately pulled him into his arms and started to examine his body but he didn't find anything and neither did i "what does it feel like pup"

He whimpered again wiping his tears "like my heart is getting crushed" he whispered and i growled loudly scaring my pup in the process i apologized and kissed his head before storming out of the room and house .

I took off my clothes then shifted running as fast as i could to my destination. When i arrived i slipped my clothes back on then started banging on the front door how could this bastard do this , a sweaty Rocky opened the door and i gripped his neck as i pushed through the door "what the fuck Aiden" he growled but i only held him tighter "he can fucking feel it" i said as i glared at my best friend

He seem to realize what i had told him "fuck" he slapped his forehead then i let him go "what the fuck am i suppose to do reject him" i growled lowly "you know if you do that you kill both of you - are you fucking crazy" i asked him i was not about to lose my pup over this shit "what do you suggest then" he asked as he poured himself a drink and downed it " i don't know maybe being close to him will help ease the pain of being distant"

He chuckled downing the next shot he had made "you know i have to keep my distance i wouldn't be able to control what happens" i chuckled getting up and patting his shoulder "yes you will because I'd be there to kill you if you touch him now get your shit together because tomorrow your coming over" .

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