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Name: Breah MORTE
Age:Twenty two
Specie: Werewolf



"Tessa Hunter hurry the fuck up" i yelled , both of my mates were still getting dressed , today was the Masquerade Ball and i was on high alert and while Eddie already had secured the premises , i'm pretty sure the five foot two asshole will be there especially since he's still in my pack that means he has access to get in

I was brought out of my thoughts by someone clearing their throats when i looked up i was speechless as i eyed both of my mates and fuck what did i do to deserve them , Hunter had a all black suit on with a black diamond Masquerade mask on and Tessa had on a long red wine dress with a black and gold masquerade mask on Hunter and i also had the same mask on , "you two are perfect" i told them "don't forget to stay close i have a feeling that this short motherfucker will be there" Hunter said as if he could read my mind or something.



As soon as Tessa and her Mates made it to the masquerade ball all eyes was on them as usual, Tessa didn't really like the attention but she held her head high as she walked confidently. Her brother's engulfed her in a hug as they walked up to them "sei bellissima" (you are very beautiful) Damien told Tessa as he pecked her forehead "grazie Fratello" (thank you brother) Hunter grew a hard on at the sound of Tessa talking in Italian he didn't know she knew how to speak it .

Aiden and Kolton walked over to the bar "scotch please" Aiden asked the bartender and he nodded giving him a glass of cold scotch on the rocks, he then put his back on the counter so he could watch his mates "what's going on" Kolton asked him as he noticed that Aiden was tensed and focused "i just got the feeling that he's here" Aiden told him and Kolton tensed knowing exactly who he was talking about "i'm going to go tighten security around Tess and Hunter" and Aiden nodded as he thanked him

He then threw his head back drowning the continent's that was inside of the cup then he walked back over to his mates "don't drink anything unless Hunter or i look inside it first" he told her and she nodded then pecked his lips .

Damien sniffed the air and started to look around once his wolf started yelling Mate! She smelled so good like a iris flower and Honey and he was already addicted he walked inside of the room where they was playing poker and he saw her but she was losing and from the looks she was about to run out of money

He dug out his wallet and noticed he only had his cards and 2ok so he pulled out 10k and slammed it on the table "the lady here bets your car keys and a million dollars" Damien didn't miss the fact that he already knew the name of his mate and what Mafia she was in she was the capo of the Morte family plus she was a werewolf , he watched as the man started placing their keys and money on table

He leaned down so that he was breathing inside of her ear he watched as she pressed her thighs together and he smirked "put down both Aces and both two's and that three" when she did that she cheered as she won the whole pot but the man at the table was pissed "you fucking cheated" one man yelled at her and Damien drew his gun from his waistband and aimed it at the man "how about you try that shit again"

He asked with a smirk but the man only surrendered, Damien grabbed his mate once she was done packing her things "ciao mia regina" (hello my queen) she smiled at him

" questa è una sorpresa" (this is a surprise) she told Damien and he chuckled as he grabbed her hand and immediately started to receive stares "how's Tessa" she asked and Damien smiled brightly and she noticed "i'll show you" they walked over hand to hand while the family look at the two "this is my mate Breah Morte" she smiled at them as she stuck her hand out to shake Tessa's and Tessa immediately shook her hand "Hi i'm Tessa De'Rosa and these two are my ma- i mean boyfriends Aiden Mikaelsson and Hunter Morte" Breah chuckled and glanced at Hunter "i'm a wolf so you can say mates and i'm aware of both of them especially because Hunter is my cousin"

Hunter rolled his eyes "Breah" he stated as an acknowledgement "Hunty are you still pissed at me" she asked him and Hunter growled lowly at her and walked away , him and Breah were once favorite cousin until she mistakenly sliced his arm and she never apologized and he told her if she never do he will never forgive her

"What's that about" Alex asked her and she sighed "when we were sixteen i made a mistake and sliced him with my knife and he never forgave me because i never said sorry" Jaxon burst out laughing and Brent nudged him because it really wasn't that fucking funny

"I have to pee" Tessa told Aiden and he nodded then waved for Hunter to come back over when he did Aiden pulled him to his side "our girl have to pee make sure to go inside with her just incase anything happens" he quickly pecked Hunter's lips and the man froze with a blush covering his face "Hunter hurry" he looked around then nervously chuckled then followed Tessa to the restroom .

Tessa was pissed that Hunter wanted to come watch her use the rest room but she understood why , when she was done she washed her hands and when Hunter pulled tried to push the door open it wouldn't open "what the fuck" when he unlocked it it locked back "you won't be able to get out unless i unlock the door" he heard someone with a deep voice say the voice sent chills up their backs "who are you" Tessa asked the unknown man

"You already fucking know who i am luckily for you i don't feel like killing tonight i just want to say see you soon Hunter or should i say Holly Hunt" Hunter face paled as he pushed Tessa back and started to try to kick the door down smoke started to come from his body and you could tell he was about to shift "Hunter please calm down" Tessa asked him but he continued to kick the door she breathe in and out before she hugged him from behind

He immediately calmed down then turned around to hug her back "it's okay" she told him as she rubbed his back up and down trying to sooth his tensed muscles, a second the later the door was kicked down and Tessa ran into Aiden's arms "he-he was here he- lock us in here but we didn't see him we only heard him i think he has powers or something how the fuck did he lock us in" Tessa asked she was pissed and scared

Aiden held her close as Damien and Breah stood behind them "Damien can you take her home" Damien nodded as he hug his sister and held her hand while going down the stairs Aiden pushed Hunter back inside of the bathroom"you okay" Hunter only nodded looking everywhere but him Aiden walked closer and tilted Hunter's head so that he was looking directly at him "it's okay to be scared but i promise i won't let your life get taken away" Hunter nodded as he tried to cover up the whimper that left his throat

Aiden smashed his lips to Hunter's and kissed him hard as he gripped his hair he held the taller man tighter as if he was going to disappear into air , he didn't want neither of them to die but he would save the man even if he risked his life , Hunter groaned as his back was pushed up against the wall While Aiden started to strip the older man "wait" Hunter said breathlessly as he tried to push Aiden away but the man wasn't having it

"Aiden we gotta get home first he's probably still here" Hunter said as Aiden sucked on his  neck Aiden groaned then pulled back "fine we run to the mansion to get Tess then we go home" Hunter only could nod as Aiden grabbed his hand and led him out the bathroom.

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