*Two Princesses And A Pup*

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Tessa was six months pregnant and damn she was huge she even gained some pounds and her ass was hella fat and her tits looked juicy those was Aiden and Hunters words she wobbled into her brother's mansion and Romeo who is Brent's mate was about to assist her to the couch but Hunter growled "mine" before he stepped in front of her

Romeo threw his hands up "chill cavemen all yours" Hunter nodded then sat Tessa on the couch while he got between her legs and laid his head on her stomach Tessa tensed when one of the babies kicked her Hunter smiled "Noah, Nora i know your excited but stop kicking mommy your hurting her" Hunter said in the softest voice ever and on cue the babies didn't kick anymore Aiden smiled as he stood in the door way and watched both his mates

Nickolas , Nick , Rocky ,Brent , Damien and Vinchi entered the house they all immediately started to kiss Tessas head or rub her stomach making both her mates growl "have they been doing that all day" Brent asked Romeo and he nodded as he sat in Brents lap "yup Hunter almost bit my hand off" he chuckled

"Let's make a cake" Tessa asked as she tried to get up but failed Aiden immediately lifted her off the couch "i feel like a blow fish" Aiden kissed her lips "don't say that baby your just big" tears started to come from her eyes and Hunter hit Aiden's chest "what he meant is your beautiful while carrying our pups baby stop crying" he kissed her tears and she stopped crying "can we make the cake now" she asked with a pout and he nodded then Tessa clapped "okay Romeo , Twins lets go"

They rushed into the kitchen excitedly especially Nick he loved cake and has been eating alot of sweets lately.

While baking Tessa thought about how her baby boy would age quicker , Damien said that since she was having two babies by wolves that it'll most likely happen to the boy.

After the cake was done they started to decorate it , Tessa stopped when she felt a hard kick to the stomach she winched "are you okay sissy" Romeo asked and just as she was about to nod her head her water broke "ohh fuck" Nickolas said as they started to scatter around the kitchen Romeo picked her up and walked out of the kitchen "can't you idiots hear her fucking water broke" he screamed and the house turned into a mad house as Aiden took her to the hospital wing

"The nurse will be fucking late" Alex said as he rushed to look for more of them" Nick pushed his brother knowing that he knew what to do Hunter looked at him confused "that's right Nickolas i forgot you know how to do this shit come here" Aiden told him and Nickolas shuffled over to Tessa who already had her pants and panties off "i can see the head but-but first i need gloves - gloves where the fuck are they" he yelled he was panicking he had never delivered a baby

"Get your shit together"  Aiden told him as he passed him the gloves Nickolas breathe in and out before he put his hands around Tessas vagina "okay Luna i need you to give me one big push on three" Tessa started to pant as she nodded "1" everyone counted "2,3" Tessa started to push hard while her mates cooed inside of her ear but Hunter looked as if he was about to faint when the first baby popped out "its a she" he said as he handed the baby to nick who washed her down quickly and handed her to Aiden "he's coming" Tessa screamed and Nickolas got back into position waiting for the next baby "push" he told her and she did so

He eased his hands around her vagina as she pushed so that she wouldn't tear when the scream of another baby came Hunter sighed when the baby came but he was surprised that it was another girl instead of a boy

"all done" Nickolas said but Tessa shook her head "oh god were not done i can feel it" she screamed "what there is only suppose to be two" Hunter said matter of factly "shit it's another but she or he had a tail" Nickolas said with wide eyes "it's a pup" Aiden said as he glanced between her legs Everyone was confused "ho-how" she asked but just then she pushed and then fury pup came out whining the pup was all black the same as Hunters fur "how" Tessa repeated but no one knew the Answer she was confused as ever because she wasn't a werewolf so how did a wolf baby come out of her

"Maybe it's because you are mated to wolves but this little cute guy has to turn human while the two princesses have to shift this is so amazing" Romeo said as he continued to explain everything.

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