"She's Mines"

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After school i was exhausted i had to test in all of my classes it didn't help at the fact that Aiden had me up all night i only had gotten two hours of sleep "are you still tired" Aiden asked me as we pulled up to my brother's mansion i nodded he got out then opened the car door for me instead of letting me step out he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck

The warmth of my mate had me almost falling asleep .


A loud growl erupted from the back of my throat when Damien tried to take my sleeping mate from my arms i bared my canines at him to get away from us "mine" i told him as i nuzzled Tess head and stepped back from him "she's my sister idiot" i wasn't trying to hear it i was already irritated that he keeps trying to make Tess stay with him instead of letting her stay with me

"She's moving in with me" i told her brother's as i sat on the couch so Tess can get more comfortable she snuggled into my neck "no the fuck she isn't" i chuckled at Kolton's answer, i wasn't asking them i was telling them i was tired of being without my mate everyday

"I wasn't asking" i told them as i ran my hands through Tessa's dirty blond hair the warmth from my sleeping mate was the only thing that was stopping me from fighting one of her brother's they was pissing me off especially Damien he knows what a mate bond does yet he still try to make her live with him

"Listen asshole she's our sister you can't possibly think just because she's your mate that you just can take her" Jax yelled and i rolled my eyes "first off i never said i was taking her away from you all i just said she was moving in with me , she's my mate,Luna and queen its only right if she lives with me you all should know how mates are so i don't understand"

My fangs started to elongate while David and Quil tried to fight me to get in control i knew they could feel my anger radiating around the room because Damien had already growled at me that was enough of a warning for me "Aiden" i looked down at Tess to see a confused expression on her face "what's going on" .


Aiden's body started to get really hot and he also started to shake , his eyes flashed red and his fangs on full display "the problem is he wants you to move in with him but we disagree" Brent stated and i slowly nodded "she's coming with me rather you all like it or not" Aiden stood up and quickly grabbed my hand nearly dragging me to the door

Damien was already in front of us before we got there , Aiden pushed me behind him as if he was protecting me from getting harmed "i said she's leaving with me " he growled out i looked at my other brother's for help but brent shook his head at me then mouth "let it happen" "she's not going any fucking where"

Next thing i know Damien was getting knocked out of the front door i squealed when Aiden vampire sped pass me and went outside "kolton please do something" i begged my big brother "Tessa we cant stop this" we all stepped outside while Aiden and Damien was ready to fight but i wasn't ready for this i didn't want to see this and i didn't want to have to choose.

It was like everything happened in a flash damien threw a blow to Aiden's face knocking him back a bit i shook my head then tears started to flow Aiden chuckled then vampire sped to damien then knocked him half way across the field he shifted to his dark black wolf then jumped on Damien's body next thing i know Aiden's wolf was in the air because Damien punched him "Kolton please"

"Tessie we won't be able to stop that so we just have to let it happen , they both can stand their own ground " my eyes focused back on the fight to see both Aiden and Damien in their wolf forms Throwing claws at each other back to back "stop" i screamed when Aiden's wolf was on top of Damien's wolf clawing at him but Damien didn't stay for long in a blink of an eye he was on top of Aiden's wolf striking him

I shoved Alex off me and ran to the fight i knew it was dangerous and i can possibly die right now but i had to stop this before they kill each other i stepped between my brother and My mate as both of their wolves growl at each other i would be lying if i said i wasn't scared "please stop , don't fight " i begged them Aiden shifted to his human form and Alex threw him some clothes and Kolt did the same to Damien Aiden pulled me to him then connected our lips his tongue automatically coming into my mouth "are you done" Damien asked and Aiden flipped him off

"As much as i would love to fight with you all day we can't at least not in front of her" Aiden said as he pushed some of my hair out of my face "we won't have to fight at all if you stop trying to take her away from us" Damien told Aiden "would you both shut the fuck up i'm fully capable of making my own decisions" i yelled at my idiot big brother and my dumb ass mate

"So who's it gonna be" Jax asked "i was thinking i could just come back and forth so when Aiden is busy i can just come here and when you all are busy i could just go back with him" they seemed to agree on that i think , Alex cleared his throat "oh yeah Brent give me my money" Alex told Brent as he put his hand out i raised a brow "i told you Aiden would win" "fuck no he didn't did you see how Damien had his wolf pinned" "Actually it was a tie so both of you have to split and stop fucking betting on shit" Kolton told them then walked away but not before hitting both of their heads .

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