The Restaurant

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*Not Edited*


Tonight we were going to a restaurant that was in Kahului  {the city} and instead of running there we were going to drive cause i didn't want Tess throwing up on me i knew she would be full when we left and if we ran it would make her dizzy . I slipped on my suit shirt but didn't wear the jacket Tess didn't want me to look to in i quote 'formal or 'rich' then she started going on about how i always look intimidating when i wear my suits while i only rolled my eyes at her , after i nicely rolled up my sleeves and folded them i left the room "you look good enough to eat" i told Hunter who was wearing black jeans and a tight fitted black shirt that made his muscles and abs show through them he wasn't buff he was lean with muscles he looked like the definition of a 'fuck boy' not in a Alex type way but he still had the look nonetheless he was fine as fuck i watched as he nervously played with the black hat he had on "stop watching me Aiden" he muttered while he shifted from his right foot then to the left foot i ignored him as i kept my gaze on his body

"Are you two ready" Tess asked as she came out of the bathroom fixing her red blouse , she had on black jeans and boots that looked fucking good on her , i watched as her ass swayed while she walked out of the door that body of hers was the reason why she got fucked almost everyday . I opened the car door for Tess after her and Hunter started bickering about who sitting in the front he had lost Rock,paper,scissors three times making me chuckle at them .


Hunter was thankful that Aiden picked them a booth that was in the back cause' as soon as they walked in people started staring he hated it "i was thinking we spend the rest of the weekend here then fly to Bora Bora Monday ,Hunter has been thinking about it and i've never been" Aiden stated while Hunter blushed "stop reading my mind" he told Aiden who only chuckled "that's a great idea but how much money did we already spend" Tessa asked and Aiden had to stop himself from rolling his eyes that was a habit he picked up from Tessa and he hated it "Tess were billionaires the money that were spending is change we can make that back within three days" he told her and she rolled her eyes

"What can i get you guys" the waitress asked excitedly making them chuckle "what do you recommend" Tessa asked her she didn't know what kind of food was here "well if you guys can really eat I'd prefer the chicken salad it comes with alot of meat and on the side you can have the choice of a large steak or you can get the three for three hundred meal that comes with three large steaks , seafood salads that have potatoes , shrimp and other things inside , crawfish and asparagus and some type of fish that's wrapped in a large salad leaf" she sighed as she finished but kept the smile on her face "we'd have that" Tessa told her and she wrote the things down then walked away.

After about thirty minutes the women came back with their food Tessa made sure to she remembers to give her a tip before they leave , the trio ate while talking and laughing Tessa all of a sudden gasps when a cold liquid was thrown on her they quickly turned around to see teenage boys laughing Aiden held in a growl as he picked up his water and threw it on them they immediately stopped laughing "what the fuck" the teen yelled and Aiden and Hunter laughed "food fight"  someone yelled and food just started to get thrown around the room Tessa picked up the half eaten fish and threw it at the boy who wet her with his drink the fish smacked his face and his eyes widen at the sudden fish to his face she laughed hard she could tell he was pissed .

Aiden took all of the spaghetti off his head ,the sauce was running down his face he was pissed about it being all over him but he only laughed while the shy the little girl stare at him with wide eyes she looked only about six or five and when she threw the spaghetti on him she had gasps he was guessing she didn't mean for it to come on him so he only ruffled her hair with his hand making sure to put sauce in her hair she giggled then ran off that moment made him miss his pups that was probably at home having the time of their lives .

After the food fight everyone was kicked out now Tessa had felt bad for the cleaners so she gave them two hundred each as they came out to clean Hunter kissed her on the lips "your so sweet" he told her and she blushed .

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