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I quickly pulled my gun when i heard the club door get kicked down "FPI everybody down" i looked over to my capo B2 "don't shoot i need to see what the fuck is going on" i told him and he nodded not even a second later my office door got kicked down i chuckled these motherfuckers had the nerve to kick down my shit "Damien De'rosa you are under arrest"

I shook my head as i folded my arms while i sat comfortably inside of my chair i wanted to shoot all these bastards but then i wouldn't know what they know "can i know why" i asked as i downed the rest of my scotch B2 stood up then chuckled "unless you have a warrant i suggest you all get the fuck out"

The head of the fucking mickey mouse clan slammed a fucking warrant on my damn desk like he owned this bitch or something i want to kill him "B2 it's cool chill out" i stood up and put my hands up making sure to look at the officer badge "Officer Bentley you have some balls" i chuckled when he cuffed me like i couldn't break out or something "B2 call My brother's" i told him as i was lead outside and in the back seat of a fucking cop car .


"Your not so fucking tough like people say" the dumbass officer said making me laugh he also tightened my cuffs like i gave a fuck then he pushed me inside of a fucking interrogation room then started pulling out pictures of me and my brother's then he showed me a picture of the watch , i wanted to smirk then he showed me the mother fucker who i killed just three days ago "do you know who this is" Officer dumb ass asked me "you know what i have a better question" he said laughing then sat down across from me "are you and your brothers running a mafia"

I shook my head "i think im gonna need my fucking lawyer asshole" he slammed his fist on the table multiple times then left the room when i heard loud voices i used my wolf ears to listen "you can not hold my client without evidence" i sighed i was ready to get out of this place and now that i had a been here i know i have a fucking snitch on my hands and i don't fucking know who to trust besides my brothers and B2 "Damien let's go" i smirked when the bitch ass officer uncuffed me "you looked pissed officer i hope you have a goodnight" i told him as i walked off with Miranda my lawyer


"I don't give a fuck about shit i swear when i find who the fuck it is your fucking dying" the last punch to the wooden table made it fall apart "Kolton Alex, Jax and Brent get the fuck in the office" i vampire sped to the office and watched my brother's walk in slowly i breathe in and out as i poured me a drink "Brent what the fuck have you been doing" i asked my brother with a tilted head he scoffed "what the fuck do you mean Damien i been doin my fucking job"

"If you've been doing your fucking job then we wouldn't have a fucking rat right now and Alex don't fucking get me started god Alex Alex Alex you haven't been doing your job either you haven't even been making sure them fucking newbies know how to move the weight you know one of these idiots actually wasted sixty fucking pounds of our shit that he's suppose to sell and what did you do Alex yeah that's right you fucked all day long with your fucking mates don't forget they work for Aiden his shit is going fine so the twins have nothing to worry about but you tuhh just get the fuck out of my face"

I couldn't fucking Believe this shit not only did we have a rat but we had the cops all in our business and the new mother fuckers wasting shit "and Jax did you pay that fucking cop like i asked" he chuckled then wiped his face "i fucking did but you need to watch how you fucking talk to me don't talk to me like i'm some bitch or one of them hoe ass boys that you pay" he walked out of the room slamming my fucking door Kolton shook his head and scoffed at me "you need to get your shit together we built this shit remember that"


"Alex that's your fault fuck" now i knew why Damien was pissed we had a lot of shit going on "don't fucking yell at me like i'm a fucking kid Kolt alright i'm on it damn i helped with this shit so you both better act like it" the doorbell rung and i groaned "who the fuck is at the door" i yelled then pulled the door open

There was a boy around fourteen , fifteen standing there with a big bag in his hands "let me in asshole" he said as he pushed passed me i chuckled i did not have the time for this shit "who the fuck are you" i asked him he chuckled and looked alot like a younger version of Damien"i'm your younger brother Da'Vinchi De'Rosa my dumb ass sperm donor left leaving me with my mom her no good ass sent me to my mafia brother's and caring sister"

He handed me over his birth certificate and damn he was our brother "fuck that asshole" Alex yelled as he took a better look at the boy "fuck he looks like Damien" "duhh stupid "

I raised a brow at him "how the fuck do you know about our business" "of course i'd know about the rich De'Rosa boys and since i'm one of you i want in on the mafia you guys are my brother's plus i know how to shoot" i chuckled then made him sit on the couch "listen here Vinchi you are a fucking kid so act like one and since your gonna be living here you will act your age and if i had to tell your little ass this again there will be a problem now welcome home and your room is the last one of the left "

He flipped me off then stomped up the stairs "problems on top of problems" Alex stated and i couldn't fucking agree.

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