What the fuck was that

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"What the fuck was that" Ryan yelled at Emma as soon as they entered her apartment they had just came from Damiens mansion and he was pissed that she had hugged them after he clearly didn't like them "what was what" she asked him as she walked to the kitchen and when she tried to open the fridge he pushed it back closed "Ryan whats your problem" she asked him as she now faced him

"They fucking embarrassed me and you sat there and still be friendly towards them" he yelled she didn't understand what was his problem "their my family Ryan" she told him and he scoffed then chuckled he turned half way around and she thought he was about to walk away but she only received a blow to the face making her fall onto the table breaking it in the process

She hissed then stood up letting her wings out his eyes widened when he saw the big black wings she then slapped him with one knocking him against the counter in the mist he knocked everything off it he stood straight and and before she knew it he stuck a knife through her wings making her cry out in pain

Her whole body shook and he took advantage and slapped her again "don't ever go against me because at the end of the day youll be stuck with me baby" he left the apartment while she passed out.

It was the next day and Emma dreaded it Ryan had been beating her ass all night and she couldn't do anything about it since she was weak her wing still had a whole in it and it was as if he stabbed her skin "time to get the fuck up" he told her as he pushed her off the bed and onto the floor making her groan in pain "Ryan I've had enough" she told him as she tried to get up but failed

He chuckled then gripped her hair and throwing her on the bed "you wait until i say you've had enough" he hovered over here and started to kiss down her neck "no please" she received a slap over the face making her see black dots he ripped off her shirt and pants then he stuck his hand down her panties and started to finger her

"Please" she begged for him to stop as the pain shot through her body his fingers was huge and even though she talked alot about freaky things she was still a virgin he started to take off his pants and she cried harder "Ryan you don't have to do this" she told him but only received a smirked when he hovered back over her she used all of her strength to to slap him with her wing then she shot up from the bed falling in the process but she got up and continued running to her best ability

She got outside and with her one wing she flew into the air barley guiding herself from the ground she could see him running after her .

As soon as she got to the mansion the wind blew knocking her out of the air and onto the ground she could see him not far away she hurriedly got to the mansion door and started banging on it

"Who the fu-" When Damien opened the door his eyes widened and he immediately pulled her inside and shut the door when the family saw her they all stood up "what happened" Alex asked her "h-he cut my wing he-he's outside"

The guys stormed outside to see Ryan running Jaxon was first to take off running in the mans direction it only took him a second to catch up to Ryan he gripped his neck "yo fucking hit her" he growled out as he held the mans hair and dragged him back to the house "were going to have fun with you" Alex told him as Jaxon dragged him inside of the house

When Ryan saw Emma he smirked making Damien set a blow to the face "take him to the basement" he commanded while the guys did that Damien leaned down to Emma "tell me what he did" he asked her calmly "he f-fingered me and hit me" he nodded then stormed off into the basement to see Ryan already chained to the ground stretched out

"So you put her filthy hands inside of our sister huh" Damien asked as his talons grew and Ryan eyes widen at the sharp claws "you had the fucking audacity to hit her even after we warned you about what'll happen" Damien walked up to him"lean him up so he can watch what were going to do to him"

Brent leaned him up adjusting the chains Damien clawed down his chest making him let out a girly scream Ryan saw the five bloody claws down his stomach making him screamed louder "and i have a gift since you love forcing yourself on women" Damien told him then he called one of his gay guards "i want you to fuck him while you slice his body" Ryan eyes widen and he shook his head "ple-please" they laughed "i bet that's what Emma said"

The men left the basement meanwhile the guard took off his clothes Ryans eyes widen as he saw the large cock spring out on the mans chest the guard then stripped Ryan and positioned the chains so that he was laying flat on the cold floor The guard hovered over him and without lube he slammed into the man making Ryan scream out he then picked up the knife and dug it into his back .

Jaxon laid on the bed holding Emma as she laid there quietly remembering all the things that happened to her "thank you" she whispered and Jaxon kissed her head "you could always come to us" he told her and out of no where she leaned up and connected their lips Jaxon pulled her back "um-that's not a good idea" he told her and she shrugged "make me forget please Jax" he shook his head "i can't take advantage of you like that , your not in your right state of mind and it'll be wrong of me" he told her

She shook her head "i am in my right mind and it says i want you" she quickly straddled his lap and connected their lips Jaxon groaned into her mouth as she s
tarted grind on his now hard cock he reversed them so that he was hovering over her "are you sure" she nodded he stripped off both of their clothes before he started to suck and lick her folds after he stretched her he lined himself up with her

And stuck his tip inside of her she winched and just as he was about to pull out she wrapped her legs around him "don't stop" he nodded and continued to stretch her with his length .

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