Nearly Draining

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We quickly ran back to our territory with me holding Aiden the fucking idiot went to fight those damn Lycan's without us and nearly got himself killed once we got to our territory and to the mansion i perked my ears to see if Tessa was sleeping or not which she was so i vampire sped inside the house and into the hospital wing he was still out

"How long will he be this way" the tall guy who name i learned was Kota asked "the bones on his right side is broken i just need to put them back in place but i can't do that with Tessa here"

"i'll take her to the pack house" Eddie stated and i nodded once a couple of minutes passed i heard them leave the house i ripped off Aiden's shirt and sighed "Kolt and Rocky hold him down so he doesn't bite my damn head off" they nodded and immediately did as i told them with one big push to his bones that knocked them back in place had Aiden up and growling "let me the fuck go" he growled out and they quickly did so "where's Tess"

"She gone with Eddie" Cade said and he shook his head and tried to get up he let out another growl and nearly fell before Alex tried to catch him again "don't touch me" he said before steadying himself "alpha i don't think that's a good idea" he ignored Derik and Vampire sped out of the room "he needs time" Rocky said and we nodded .

********** THIRD PERSON's POV

It's been four days and Tessa or no one else has heard her seen or heard from Aiden Tessa was worried about her mate she felt like something was wrong and she knew it was , her brothers wouldn't tell her what was going on either Tessa was tired of it then grabbed her keys and left the house alone .

Meanwhile Aiden was home alone inside of the build in gym he had been lifting weights for four days straight meaning he was barley eating he felt like he couldn't protect his mate correctly since he nearly let a lycan kill him

After every swallow of whiskey he lift another forty weight, when the door opened to the house his ears picked up on it and he knew it was Tessa by the smell of her he mentally cursed himself for not eating now because he wanted to taste her , he vampire sped up the stairs "Aiden where are you" he heard Tess yell and he smiled to himself because she still didn't see him even though he was close

"Hi Tess" his voice made her jump and squeal when her eyes landed on Aiden's she couldn't take them off of his body , his shoulders were more out there than before while his six pack is now a eight pack his skin looked more pale then before and the bulge inside of his basketball shorts he was wearing had her arousing

Aiden sniffed the air then growled causing her to make wide eyes "um-hi-i-i just- you know wanted to check on-on you since you haven't called her anything" she mentally cursed herself for stumbling over her words Aiden nodded his head then started to circle around her as if she was his prey or something it made her nervous "are you okay" she asked him and he nodded again then vampire sped to her

He grabbed her wrist then started placing light kisses on it without a warning his canines and fangs sunk into Tessa's wrist she screamed when she felt as if he was going to bite off her wrist after a few more seconds she started to feel light headed and dizzy "Aiden that's enough" she told him but he was too stuck on her taste that he couldn't even stop even if he wanted too "Aiden please" Tessa nearly yelled then she started swaying on her feet and that's when he stopped

"Fuck" he yelled as he saw his pale mate he knew he had went too far by looking at her wrist he had licked the wood clean and closed it but her wrist still had his teeth marks , Tessa sat on the couch and watched as Aiden says 'sorry' to her multiple times , she knew that this was going to happen and she was expecting it she just hope that one day he doesn't drain her from her blood .

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