*Where's Hubby*

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Hunter had rushed Nora and Nova out of their rooms and into the kitchen for breakfast he help them on the stool as they giggled "good-morning dad" they said in union to a cooking Aiden he came around the counter and kissed their foreheads "hi my beautiful babies" they giggled Tessa stepped into the kitchen kissing their cheeks "where's you brother" Tessa asked them "he's still sleeping" Nora told her and she nodded glancing at Hunter who was eating a banana "Hunter can you get Noah" he nodded then started walking to the back of the house .

He entered the blue room to see Noah sleeping on his stomach he smiled then started to lightly shake him awake , when Noah was up he started to look around the room making Hunter raise a brow "where's my Hubby" Noah asked and Hunter tilted his head not knowing what he was talking about "what's that buddy" the boy burst out crying hard as ever Hunter picked him up trying to rock him so he could stop crying, when he didn't stop he walked into the kitchen and the boy flipped out

"I want my hubby" he screamed as tears flowed freely down his cheeks "what's a hubby Tess" she shrugged "hell if i know" she got off the stool then grabbed Noah "stop crying baby" she told him but he only quite down a tad bit "what's your hubby" she asked as he wiped his tears "he's tall like daddy and strong and his hair is dark brown but it looks black" Aiden sighed he knew he was talking about Rocky "Rocky is your hubby" Tessa asked and the boy smiled then nodded quickly "listen pup he's busy" Aiden told him which wasn't a lie

The boy started to cry harder as he fell out on the floor .


It's been literally a whole hour of Noah crying on the floor and they have tried everything "just fucking call him" Tessa said as she threw her hands up and left the living room Aiden mind linked his beta and after ten minutes he was there.

As soon as Rocky walked through the door Noah got up off the floor running to him "hubbyyy" he hugged the mans leg and Rocky chuckled but he frowned when he saw the pups red eyes and flushed face "what's wrong pup" he asked but Aiden cleared his throat "we need to talk" Rocky groaned knowing he was about to have a ear full .

He entered Aiden's office and Aiden sighed as he set behind his desk "why does he call you hubby" Rocky chuckled remembering the boy asked him to marry him "he asked me to marry him and then started to call me hubby" Aiden sighed then let out a light chuckle "you know he just cried a whole hour straight for you right" Rocky smiled at that he knew when Noah was up in age that he would be a good mate "this is just a maybe but Tess thought that Noah could be with you sometimes like spend nights at your house"

Rocky wanted to say no because he wouldn't want to lose control over a kid he was frustrated because why did the goddess do this to him , it was cruel as fuck because he had to sit back and watch .

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