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It's been a month after the sixth season of Total Drama ended. Everyone, who have competed during that season, have returned home safely in Ontario after experiencing a dangerous mechanical island, in Western Canada, that the host, Chris McLean, had tried to pull on them.

Chris McLean was arrested again two days after Shawn and Jasmine took the money home with them. He was arrested due to risking the lives of the contestants on purpose, and due to not being responsible for their safety. He's also admitted on camera that he would not care if any of the remaining teens die in that tragic event that Scarlett has also pulled, desperate for the millions that she was forcing the host to give.

Sky's mother had sued the host for the attempt of leaving her daughter in danger along with the other remaining contestants during the time when the island had malfunctioned, and was taken control by Scarlett before she was caught red-handed, and was fired away from the cannon of shame along with Max.

Scarlett was nowhere to be found ever since Sky's mom, who's a business woman, had filed a lawsuit against Chris, so they've decided to continue the argument and complaints in the court room. A grand majority of people in the room have agreed that Chris was guilty for trying to leave the teenagers to die with intention, so he was sentenced to be in prison for only ten years from now.

The police gave up their search on Scarlett a week after Chris was arrested. They could never find her in their city, neighborhoods, town, or anywhere near their own local area.

Ever since the arrest, the mechanical island was officially prohibited since it already has proof that it's dangerous, and could bring back awful memories the former contestants had while battling for the millions.

None of the contestants, especially Max, cared where Scarlett was at, nor cared about her fate whether if she's showing her quiet or her evil side. They don't fear her evil nature at all for the matter of fact. The only thing that matters to them right now is that they don't need to worry about being in anymore danger or cruelty that Chris always pull on them from the very start of the season.

Beardo went back to his beat-boxing hobby, not really caring about losing. It's good for him to get out of the house for once and try something new besides music. He's still pursuing his dreams on being an aspiring DJ, yet he knows how much talent he has when it comes to making realistic sound effects.

Rodney also returned home, and he still had a hopeless crush on the three girls he's fallen before on the island, and they are Jasmine, Amy, and Scarlett. Of course, he's missed the girls who's interacted with him back home, so he didn't mind going home early since he's still satisfied about reuniting with them.

Amy and Samey were more uncivil to each other. Amy has continued to call her sister "Sparame", and has also continued to treat her even more poorly. Samey couldn't take that anymore. She's glad that she took Jasmine's advice while experiencing Total Drama Pahkitew Island, so she's decided to defend herself, and try to put Amy in her own place. However, that got them off to an even worse position, when their personal belongings were taken away by their mother as a punishment. Still, that didn't change Amy's attitude since she was raised to prioritize herself over her sister, and of course, Samey has refused to be treated poorly. She's had enough of her sister's nonsense.

Ella, happy as usual, have continued to sing, feeling as free-spirited as she was before she auditioned for Total Drama. However, sadness has been frequently brought to her, when she realizes how much she misses everyone, especially Sugar, still believing that they're friends, forgetting the horrible treatment she planted on her. Ella was still heart-broken by Dave, yet she was able to move on a little bit since she knows that he's not the right prince for her.

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