Childhood Memory

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It's been only five minutes ever since the next slow formal dance song has aired in the room, and all of the seven couples were still slow-dancing in the center of the big ballroom. The golden lights were still circulating around the dark walls while everyone in the room was enjoying their time. The atmosphere felt peaceful and warm, when there's nothing but the sounds of music occurring during the prom reunion.

Everyone is still in the same slow-dancing position while enjoying their own time in the annual formal reunion. Mike, Zoey, Jasmine, Shawn, Dave, Sky, Topher, Ella, Beardo and Samey are all smiling while their eyes are closed. Rodney was also smiling, yet he was gazing down at the meaner twin who still has a grumpy facial expression planted on her face. Sugar was also smiling tenderly, as she was embracing Leonard very tightly. Leonard on the other hand, was looking down at Sugar with a worry-some look on his face.

He gently massaged Sugar's thick shoulders while they're still dancing together. He bit his lip when he began to think in his own head. It's a question that he's been wondering about ever since he became the boyfriend of the aspiring pageant queen.

"Hey...Sugar...I-I-I don't mean to spoil our romantic moment or anything but...I have a very important question that I really want to ask you. If it's okay with you though!" he spoke and asked when the country blonde started eyeing up on the larper. She was still smiling as her blue eyes started to shine at Leonard's dark brown eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Wizard?" she replied in curiosity, while she was still looking at him. Leonard gulped in a nervous manner as he tugged his light yellow shirt collar from his neck, while feeling the slight sweat coming down onto his temples. He breathed in and out for the next few seconds until he exhaled his last breath.

"Why do you hate Ella so much?" he finally asked, looking right down at Sugar's face, while he was feeling nervous having to ask her something that she might throw a fit at.

Sugar's eyebrows began to curve as she also began to frown as well. She eyed down at the floor as she began to sigh calmly. She's never thought that someone would ask a question very personal to her, as of why she hates the princess. Especially at the fact that the question had came from her own love that she's admired. Then she began to look at Leonard once again.

"I never thought that this night would come... Nobody has ever asked me that question before," she begin to answer, which made Leonard's eyebrows rose up. He looked at her even more as she's about to answer his question even further.

"Ella was nothing but a fake, horrible, person that she was to me! It was all back when we were both five years old. We used to be best friends when we were both born, and it was those amazing first five years that we've had together until she did something so horrible! At the little girls' pageant show that we were in!" the pageant queen began to explain, which transfers the present scene to the past.

It was eleven years ago from the prom reunion where the little girls' pageant show takes place in. It was during the night, at 7:00 P.M. where two five year old girls, Ella White, and Sugar Cooper, were entered in the pageant show backstage together with their own mothers. Little Ella was dressed just like a princess. She was wearing a light pink princess dress with magenta bows decorating around the waist-line, while wearing a pair of a long-sleeved white gloves, and a choker that matches the same color as her bows. Her black hair was also in a very detailed updo with roses next to her glamorous bun.

Little chubby Sugar was wearing a simple fuchsia-colored dress with a lighter shade of pink belt sash wrapping around her waist. Her thick curly blonde hair was in a simple bun as she was adding a pink rose into her hair, while both of the girls were walking into the backstage, with other little female contestants their same age, along with their own mothers, getting ready to prepare for the pageant show. Ella and Sugar were both smiling at each other when they've attended to two available mini vanities in the room together.

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